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Additional Side Customizations

GraionDilach edited this page Feb 3, 2013 · 2 revisions

Essentially a YR-bug triggered by Ares code:

Add the ability to load mpyscrnlbar*.pcx (* = 1 to 10), mpyscrnl.shp and mpyscrnl.pal (file names are for ThirdSide) for new sides (scorebars, right now, they don't have any, example:

Further side customizations:

The ability to change the color of text in UI: main text (inherited from Color.Text = for now), text of blocked button (0,81,15 - for the alliance, for the rest - 74,0,0), the color of amount of money (165,211,255 - for the alliance, for the rest - 255.255, 0), the color of the radar selection (supposedly inherited from the color of amount of money), tips color (supposedly derives from the color of amount of money)

Ideas to improve:

Possible background scaling in the UI menu, by separation of the background to 6 layers: Lower left, Upper left, Upper right, Lower right, Lower center, logo (center), example in New_UI.PSD (

Add the ability to load cce_i.pcx, dnarrowp.pcx, dnarrowr.pcx, sbgripm.pcx, trakgrip.pcx, uparrowp.pcx, uparrowr.pcx from sidec*.mix;

Add the ability to load mouse.shp from sidec*.mix;

Add the ability to load spldbr.shp, spldbrl.shp and spldbrs.shp for different sides.

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