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Threads WG Meeting 03 06 2018

Manjunath Gorentla Venkata edited this page Oct 2, 2018 · 1 revision


  • Locks and Threads
  • Domains


  • Dave Ozog
  • Jim Dinan
  • Matias Cabral
  • Michael Raymond
  • Swaroop Pophale
  • Wasi
  • Ferrol Aderholdt
  • James Ross
  • Bryant Lam


  • Goal: want to more clearly define this for 1.5
    • Three github issues for shmem lock API issues
      • 174: Memory fencing text is missing

      • 193: Clear lock completes communication issued during critical section a) Two possible solutions:

        1. Require quite on default context
        2. Warn user that they should quiet the context b) Suggested solution: Perform an unlock, quiets the default context, then the user is responsible for quieting the non-default context used in the critical section o from Michael (HPE): undefined behavior if user does not quite the context
      • 205: Threaded calling of shmem_lock is undefined, difficult to implement the solutions

        a) could have application-level lock b) could have middleware-level lock

        1. space limitations if we have global queue for locks
        2. SOS implements MCS Lock implementation - essentially not enough space for global PE/thread locking queue 3. Hierarchical lock implementation - implementation provides local mutexes that allow only a single thread into the SHMEM_LOCK queue - does not provide global FCFS


  • Current API, automatic domain management by implementation
    • Do we want to provide a manual API for the user to allow them to manage the resource?
      • Essentially the domain can encapsulate multiple contexts into a particular domain, which can be separate per thread.
      • May be good for next time to have more complicated examples and maybe have examples using teams?
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