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RMA WG 07 19 2018

Md edited this page Jul 19, 2018 · 2 revisions


  1. Memory Model Proposal (Anshuman Goswami)


  • Note taker: Wasi (Intel)
  • Attendees: Anshuman Goswami and Sreeram Potluri (NVIDIA); Khaled Hamidouche (AMD); Naveen (Cray); Ferrol and Manju (ORNL); Min Si (ANL); Jim, Dave, and Wasi (Intel)

Open Action Items

  • None

Action Items

  • None


  • Using shmem_put/iput/p to trigger shmem_wait_until is platform defined

    • Manju: backward compatibility issue
    • Khaled: Why a separate API?
    • Manju: Most implementation will grab a lock before doing an update (putmem)
    • Sreeram: will revisit this; to make int_p/g work, it needs a vector, so a new API
    • Jim: architecture supporting different storage instructions for atomic read/write v/s. read/modify/write
    • Sreeram: GPUs, the strong and weak operations, atomic set and atomic cswap; draw it pictorially to see if this makes sense
  • Next steps?

    • New subsection in the spec, making sure the consistency and sync is defined in the spec is consistent with this proposal
    • Create all the open issues in the github before start making changes
    • Two separate tickets to make sure everything is coherent
    • Sreeram: Leave the non-atomic operations when ordering is concerned since that is undefined
    • Jim: Need a to-do list, and go over each changes individually
    • Started on each of the topics and preparing the texts related, no explicit implication on put-with-signal proposal (question asked by Naveen); propose updates in the spec through email
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