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Route Planner Design Demo 2

eganj edited this page Jan 16, 2022 · 5 revisions


The route planner oversees map level navigation. Rather than generating a single path, it evaluates all nearby lanelets for routing cost: Lanelets close to the destination are given a low cost, while lanelets far from the destination are given a high cost. The route planner may internally keep track of a single route, but this does not need to be provided. Route costs are relative to the current position for easy comparison: a positive-costed lanelet is further away from the current position while a negative-costed lanelet is closer.

Costs are assigned to each "nearby" lanelet that can reach the destination. "Nearby" means within a certain distance horizon, which must exceed the horizon for the path planner. If a nearby lanelet is not included in the output, it is assumed to be unable to reach the destination.


Example diagram for lanelet costs

In this example, all lanes near the car have been assigned a route cost based on the start and goal:

  • Moving from the current lane to itself (lane 2 to lane 2) does not impact distance from route, so it is assigned a zero
  • Moving away from the goal (lane 2 to lane 1) incurs a cost
  • Moving from lane 2 to lane 3 makes progress to the goal, which means it has a negative cost.
  • Moving from lane 2 to lane 4 also makes progress to the goal, but it is longer, meaning it has a greater cost. If the length of lane 4 were to increase, it could potentially incur positive cost.
  • Lane 5 is not within the horizon of the car and does not need to be assigned a cost at this time.


  • Lanelet Map data: the map for the current location, from the HAD map service
  • Goal Pose (geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped): destination location. Meant to be set infrequently
  • Current Pose (autoware_auto_msgs::msg::VehicleKinematicState): Current location, updated regularly


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