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Feb 14, 2022

Will Heitman edited this page Feb 15, 2022 · 2 revisions

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February 14, 2022

  • Our Homecoming Parade mission was a success! We won the Spirit Cup, and we didn't have anyone in the driver's seat.
  • We must keep pushing toward Demo 2, and we only have 74 days left. What needs to be done?


Our parade mission caused us to reshuffle our priorities, and so our old checkpoints no longer make sense. Going forward, we can break Demo 2 into four minibosses. Defeat all four, and we'll be in a great position to tackle the final boss. The four minibosses are:

  • The Great Quad Arthropod, which covers BPC and simulation
    • Egan, Jim, Nikhil, Cristian, Connor, and Phu will tackle this one
  • The Loch Ness of TBS, which covers hardware/firmware
    • Avery, this is all you. Josh can step as needed.
  • Lane Brain, which covers state estimation
    • This one's mine (Will).
  • Sensory Cyclops, which covers perception
    • Here you go, Rae and Kyle.

Dylan, Josh, and Raghav, keep on doing your thing.

Demo 2 minibosses

All minibosses can be defeated individually and in parallel. The good news is, you're only responsible for your miniboss. Defeat yours with your group, and the final boss (Demo 2) will be easy.

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