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crystalwizard edited this page Jul 17, 2022 · 10 revisions


Zones are a way of segregating parts of an operation into smaller units. Zones can be geographic (bounded to a region on the map) or logical, or a hybrid of both. Zones allow segregation of access to operation data through the Wasabee permission system.

Most operations do not need zone functionality. For larger operations, where compartmentalization of information is desired, zones provide a way to ensure that agents in an area know what needs to be done in their area without sharing the entire plan with them. For example, in a Texas operation, one zone could be the area around Dallas, another around San Antonio, and a third around Austin. These zones can be delineated on the map and the links and markers added to the operation will be automatically placed in the appropriate zone when they are created--ensuring that Dallas agents only see tasks relevant to them, and so on.

Zones can also be used to group stages of an operation together. For example, a zone can be defined for "phase 1" of a field and another for "phase 2." These logical zones do not have geographic boundaries set, but exist to aide the operator in knowing how to group and order tasks.


Most people think of zones as geographical areas in which markers can be placed and links drawn - however it is possible to simply create zones, not draw anything on the intel map, and use the zone names as a way of designating various things such as what a team or agent will be responsible for. Essentially, they help cut OP up into small parts - think outside the box and use them for what you need them for.

To work with zones, open your op, then select zones and create some. If you make too many, don't use them all. If you need more than you made, make a few more later - set their color and their names. Once you have them you can edit your teams and assign them to a zone. If you want to get very detailed, you can create a team for each agent by themself, and assign a different zone to each of those teams. You can also create additional teams with multiple agents and assign a different zone to those teams.

Markers and drawn links - double check to make sure they have been added to the correct zones. If needed, there are buttons at the bottom of checklist you can use to set markers and links to zones.

If a drawn link goes from one zone to another, it will always be set to the zone it's thrown from.

Drawing Geographic Zones

op settings dialog, zones button.

Add each logical zones, give each a name and color. Click the pencil icon, click points at the edge of of the zone. One point will put a marker, two will draw a line, 3 or more and it draws a closed polygon (order matters!) Click the stop sign (replaced the pencil) to finish your polygon. Click the eraser/gummi to erase the geographic zone (and start over if you need)

There is no edit. just erase and re-do.

Restricting Who Can See A Zone

Zones can be restricted to just the members of a team if you would like. Of course, the team must be assigned to the OP for this to function. In order to restrict a zone to a team first access operation settings on the OP menu, then pick the team, the role, the zone, and then hit add.