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eagsc7 edited this page May 21, 2021 · 2 revisions


This single small section of Wasabee brings some discussion many times over.



  1. copy (data) from a website using a computer program.


  1. Compare and analyze (texts or other data)
  2. Collect and combine (texts, information, or sets of figures) in proper order.

What Trawl Does

Wasabee does not Scrape data from Niantic. What Wasabee does do is Collate the Data that is already being sent to your Computer.

Niantic (Via Andrew) has stated that IITC in its intended form is "allowed, but not specifically clean of the TOS in some cases" (Exact quote lost to G+ Migration). Wasabee only utilizes the data which is transmitted in Stock intel. IITC Collates the data[Def 2] in a more visual and managable order for agents from Both sides to see. Plugins are developed to Collate[Def 1] the data as well(i.e.Portals List plugin).

Steps within Trawl

NOTE: This has to be selected from the Operation > Blockers Menu.

  1. Select Trawl Lanes from the Known Blockers menu.
  2. Enable or disable the two options at the top
  • Clear virus/destroy markers before trawling - Removes all virus and Destroy markers already placed on operation
  • Auto-mark blockers after trawling - Same as Auto-Mark on the Known Blockers menu.
  1. Select Trawl for Blockers.
  • Trawl zooms into the "All Links" zoom level along your already drawn plan.
  • Niantic sends your computer All the Links that are visible on your window
  • IITC and Wasabee Collates that data into the Known Blockers window.
  • Once area fully loaded...
  • Trawl moves to the next area of tiles that have not been loaded. IF an area has been loaded already, Trawl will move past it.
  • Repeat from "Niantic Sends" until all tiles have been loaded.
  1. When Trawl is complete, close window, and Either mark the blockers - OR have them automarked on the Known Blockers page.

As a reminder, What ALL players and operators did Prior to this was Move their mouse along their drawn fields and mark them as needed per their Operational needs. Trawl just makes this same process easier.