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Adding agents to teams (and giving teams access to ops)

crystalwizard edited this page Jul 28, 2021 · 2 revisions

Before explaining anything else, please understand one important fact - you as the op owner are always part of the op. You own it, you created it, and you don't have to do anything special to be part of it - you don't even have to log in to the wasabee server, ever, to draw an op and then play around with it. You do have to log in to sync the op to the server, however, so that you can download it to your other devices or have your agents download it to their devices.

But if you want to share your operation data with other agents, you first have to create at least one container for them to reside in. That container is called a Team, and it is a special object. This seems strange to a lot of people, and it might not make intuitive sense to you right now. That's fine. As you work with the concept, it will become familiar and make sense.

Teams can have as few as 1 agent and as many as you like. You can also add the same agents to multiple teams if you want to. And you can restrict agents to only one team as well. Bob can be part of team A, B, C, D, while Jan is part of only team B, and Evan is part of only team D. Wasabee doesn't care - it's quite happy with any configuration you wish to create. Teams are very powerful, they let you customize your op - and what your agents can see and do - in many ways. However most of the information about them is covered on the Teams Page, not this one.

There are several ways to give agents access to an op, the easiest of which is to simply create an invite link for your team, then send the link to your agents and have them click it. To do this, first you need to create a team to which you'll give access to your op. Once you have the team created, log on to the wasabee server you wish to use and choose Teams from the menu at the top. Find the team, click on it and then choose settings. On the settings page you'll find a button to generate a join link. And besides being the easiest way to give agents permission to see your op data. Wasabee leaves all the op security in your hands, rather than trying to ensure your agents are trustworthy for you.

However, you can also add agents to teams by entering their user name or their google ID. To do this, you must first create a team and then add the agent by hand by either logging on to the wasabee server or by accessing the teams menu in the wasabee-iitc application menu.

To use the WebUI: log in to the wasabee server you wish to use for the op, click Teams, click the team name, click manage, and enter the agent's name or google id in the Add Agent field.

For the Wasabee-IITC interface: click the Bee on the Wasabee toolbar, then click Teams and either select a previously created team or create one. Once you have a team, click the team name to see the agents in the team, or click Manage to add agents and set permissions.

The Wasabee-IITC is prettier, but the WebUI might be easier to use, especially if your monitor is on the smallish side.

[pedantic developer n.b.: You do not add agents to ops, you add agents to teams and give teams access to ops. The language here is not strictly correct, but good enough to get you started.]