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Scot Bontrager edited this page Jan 27, 2022 · 6 revisions


Teams are the wasabee way of controlling access to resources. To allow other agents to see an operation's map and plan, the agents need to be on a team that has been given permission to access the operation.

Teams also control access to agent location data. Agents control which teams can see their location on a per-team basis.

Agents are added to teams, teams are given permissions to operations. Agents share location with teams.


[This section isn't in a helpful style, too much prose not enough 'get to the point']

Everyone knows what a team is, but most people don't feel they need a team just to have people be part of an op. This is true in practice, however Wasabee requires teams if the OP creator wants other people to be able to see, edit, or read the op.

This might seem backwards, but it works well.

Ops and Teams are totally different objects, they aren't tied to each other - and to make the concept a little easier, please think of teams as containers. A cardboard box with people in it, perhaps.

And think of ops as activities - things such as weeding the garden, climbing a tree, walking the dog, and milking a cow.

Once you create a cardboard box and put at least one person in it, you can use that cardboard box in mulitple activities. You could sit on it when you milk the cow, stand on it when combing a tree, and carry it on your head while walking the dog. If you did so, the person, or people, in the box would all be participating in the activity with you. And you could remove it from the activity if you decided you didn't want those people to be part of it any longer.

Now that you have a good idea to work with, let's proceed.

Giving a team permissions to access an operation: once you have your team created, you can't do much with it until you give it permission to access an operation. You can give the same team permission to multiple ops, and it can have different permissions in each one if you like, however until you give it permission to at least one op it's like a cardboard box just sitting on the shelf.

To give a team access to an op, first load the op in Wasabee-iitc OR log on to the Wasabee WebUI and select Operations from the top menu. Then find the op you wish to give access for the team to and choose Permissions. Choose the team from the drop down menu, assign the team's role (read, write, assigned only), and click Add. Remember that since you are setting the permissions for the team, all members of the team will have the role you set. Read allows members of the team to see your op but not change it. Write allows them to change it. Assign only allows each member of the team to change and see only what you assign to that specific member.

Now that you understand what a team is, and why Wasabee requires it, let's clear up some things about teams.

You CAN access the teams menu on both the Wasabee WebUI and Wasabee-IITC interfaces, create new teams, and manage a team you own.

If you have a team, and you want to modify it, choose Teams and then look through the menu of existing teams for the one you wish to modify. In the Wasabee WebUI, click the team name, then on the tabs at the top, click manage. On the Wasabee-IITC interface, find the team name and in the 4th column, you'll find the word manage, click on it.

Managing teams in the Wasabee-WebUI

In the WebUI, once you click manage you can add a new agent or remove agents that are in the op. You can also set the squad they are on by typing into the text field. There's also a settings tab that will let you do other things to the team.

Managing teams in Wasabee-IITC

On the Wasabee-IITC interface, once you click manage, you can Add an agent, remove an agent, change the squad they are on, rename the team, enter an community if there is one, create a join link, remove the team.

Both interfaces allow you to do exactly the same thing to the team, but one has all the options on a single menu, the other has various things on different tabs.

If you don't have a team, choose Teams and then find New Team (Wasabee-IITC) or Create new team (WebUI). For both interfaces, just enter the team name you want to use and either click OK or New Team.

See giving teams access to operations

(need lots more detailed text here showing interfaces and explaining what each option on the menus is for)