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Wasabee, and

Scot Bontrager edited this page Jul 27, 2021 · 2 revisions


An agent does not need to have an account at (V) or (rocks) to use wasabee. All features and functions are available even without these tools.

If an agent does not have an account at either V or rocks, there are two "limitations.":

  • The agent's display name will be UnverifiedAgent_{GID}
  • The agent name will display as yellow, instead of green, in Wasabee-IITC

These are cosmetic, not functional. They serve to alert the operator, or team owner, that they need to double-check to make sure they've added the correct account to the team.

For agents who have an account at V or rocks, wasabee will use that information when the agent logs in. The wasabee display name will be set from V or rocks (in that order of preference--if they are different V will be prefered). If the agent is verified at either V or rocks, that information is used to display the agent name to in green instead of yellow.

Accounts that are flagged/blacklisted/smurfed/banned at either V or rocks are not able to log in to wasabee. If account is already on a team (a faction change), the name displays as blue in the team list. All access is revoked even if team membership remains.

The rationale

Trust and access are the prerogative of the team owners. It is the responsibility of the team owner to ensure that all agents on the team are trusted. V and Rocks are tools which can help determine who is trusted, by whom, but they do not in any way control access to wasabee data. An agent can be "untrusted" according to V and Rocks, but still be fully trusted in Wasabee (provided they aren't banned/blacklisted/flagged/smurfed at either V or Rocks).

We encourage all ENL agents to use the tools available to them, as they see fit. V and Rocks are helpful. But getting verified at Rocks is extremely difficult when there are no Niantic events and getting verified at V is difficult in areas where no one else uses it. So, neither is required to use wasabee.

The cosmetic indicators of "double check you have the correct account" (the agent name and the color yellow) are there to help the team owner, not to "shame" the agent for not being verified. If agents feel less-than-fully included due to these indicators, we think it best to encourage them to get registered and verified (if possible) at V and rocks.

Signing up for an un-verified account at rocks is trivial. There is no mechanism to ensure that the entered name is correct. If an agent changes their name in rocks, they do not lose verification status. These are design decisions made by the rocks team. As a consequence they make the name information less-than-fully-trustworthy.

Getting verified at V is easier (in most cases) than getting verified at rocks. If an agent changes their name at V, the account becomes unverified. For this reason, V name data is trusted over Rocks name data--if they differ, V is used.

Both V and rocks are fully trusted for "negative" authorization. That is, wasabee honors the flags that restrict access to known smurf accounts and locks the account from accessing data stored in the wasabee servers.

The process

Every time an agent logs into an official wasabee server (this can be disabled on third-party servers) both V and rocks are queried for up-to-date information on the agent.

The Google login process returns to the wasabee server the GoogleID (gid) of the agent. This gid is used to query V and rocks. Negative (agent not known) responses are simply ignored. Positive results (known agent) are used to update the data stored in the wasabee server. The only data the server stores is agent name (per service), level (rocks) and verification/banned states. If the agent has updated their level or name at V or rocks, wasabee will reflect these changes on their next login to wasabee.

On an agents first login to wasabee, a few additional steps are taken. If telegram information is set at rocks, it is trusted and added at wasabee. There is also a wasabee-only process for associating a telegram account to the wasabee account, so this is simply a convenience for the new agent.

Syncing teams

Wasabee can be configured to sync wasabee teams to rocks communities and V teams (or roles within a team). This functionality is documented elsewhere.