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Sprint 8 deliverables [8 14 to 8 25] and next sprint planning

kasfaw edited this page Aug 28, 2017 · 6 revisions

High level tasks accomplished

Sprint 9 planning

Open issues to discuss / agenda items

Goals for next sprint

  • Dashboard for Cluster IMO
  • xls Export functionality for cluster in place based on finalized specification
  • Locations model and sync from CartoDB complete
  • Stretch goal: Analysis API's in place
  • Disaggregation backend and frontend changes approved in last demo.

Action points/new tickets from showcase discussions

  • Locations: work with UNICEF team to see if there are further opportunities for validation, etc
  • Recheck Dashboard components and ensure API endpoint is complete and serving frontend
  • QA/Testing considerations should include simulation in low bandwidth settings:
  • IP Reporting: authorized official only person submitting - more discussion to specify roles and permissions for IP Reporting
  • Followup with UNICEF on Annex C Part 2 format feedback
  • Followup with UNICEF on reporting frequency and due dates are implemented in PMP (possible changes on how IP Reporting determines reporting due dates)
    • refer to PMP user stories on due/overdue logic
    • Cluster reports can follow same logic
  • Followup on location aggregation for each cluster activity indicator
    • need to prioritize features and whether this is a show stopper for v1