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Sprint 2 achievements, retrospective and Sprint 3 planning notes

Sumit Chachra edited this page Jun 1, 2017 · 3 revisions

High level tasks accomplished

  • PD list filtering
  • PD overview tab
  • PD progress reports "reports" tab
  • Indicator list filtering
  • Indicator report related data modeling and frontend development
  • Viewing a PD progress report with LL output (reportable) and its associated indicators showing the indicator data table.

Sprint 3 planning

Tasks available and ready in IP reporting in PRP milestone currently.

Open issues to discuss:

  • How to handle 4 disaggregations? #72
  • Response plan versus intervention based navigation at the high level.
  • Indicator types
  • Can we move narrative in IP reporting to indicator report level rather than at LL output in reporting?

Goals are to:

  • Start and finish work on PD progress report data entry / narrative capture; supporting disaggregated indicator data capture
  • API endpoint for user to be able to file a disaggregated data