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Conference call notes 20160817

Kenneth Hoste edited this page Aug 17, 2016 · 3 revisions

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Notes on the 57th EasyBuild conference call, Wednesday August 17th 2016 (5pm - 6pm CET)


Alphabetical list of attendees (7):

  • Damian Alvarez (JSC, Germany)
  • Pablo Escobar (sciCORE/UniBas, Switzerland)
  • Fotis Georgatos (Illumina, UK)
  • Joachim Hein (Lunarc, Lund University, Sweden)
  • Kenneth Hoste (HPC-UGent)
  • Alan O'Cais (JSC, Germany)
  • Åke Sandgren (Umeå University, Sweden)


  • updates to GitHub integration (--new-pr, --update-pr)
  • support for using ccache/f90cache
  • support for eb --install-latest-eb-release
  • running individual tests
  • task force for (experimental) RPATH support
  • Q&A


  • bug that prevents use of --install-latest-eb-release in hierarchical MNS

  • filtering of tests with regex

    • update docs
  • ccache support is a good starting point

  • EasyBuild v2.9.0:

  • Kenneth & Robert: sprint for RPATH support

  • easyblock to support installing X11 stack behind a single module

    • Alan: issue with jhbuild: doesn't seem to work with custom Python module (mako)
      • also supports building partial X stack
      • TODO Alan: PR for jhbuild easyconfig + issue for problems with using jhbuild to install X stack
    • other idea is to install X libs as bundle as 'extensions' where ConfigureMake is used as an easyblock for the extensions
  • Alan: towards 'fat' .yeb easyconfigs

    • only in one dimensions: multiple toolchains in a single .yeb
    • TODO:
      • syntax of listing support for multiple toolchains

        • figure out what is supported
        • one quick way would be to expand a .yeb into multiple .eb's in a temporary directory via .dump()
      • support on the 'eb' command line

        • "eb CMake-3.5.1.yeb" => how to specify toolchain?
        • --toolchain=intel,2016a # also consider subtoolchains
        • interactive CLI + override option: "eb CMake-3.5.1.yeb GCC,4.9.4"
        • "eb CMake.yeb" => version, toolchain, versionsuffix
          • "eb CMake 3.5.1 GCC,4.9.4", "eb CMake GCC,4.9.4"
      • also relates to --minimal-toolchains:

  • Pablo: problems with dry-run & hidden modules

    • Damian: no problem at JSC...
    • Pablo will open an issue
    • Fotis: relative paths in $MODULEPATH may cause issues like this
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