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Conference call notes 20151013

Kenneth Hoste edited this page Oct 13, 2015 · 5 revisions

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Notes on the 37th EasyBuild conference call, Tuesday October 13th 2015 (5pm - 5.30pm CET)


Alphabetical list of attendees (8):

  • Petar Forai (IMP/IMBA, Austria)
  • Kenneth Hoste (HPC-UGent, Belgium)
  • Robert McLay (TACC)
  • Riccardo Murri (ETH Zurich)
  • Alan O'Cais (JSC, Germany)
  • Ward Poelmans (HPC-UGent, Belgium)
  • Robert Schmidt (OHRI, Canada)
  • Timothy Brown (University of Colorado @ Boulder)



EasyBuild/Lmod workshop
  • move EasyBuild intro after Lmod intro, so TACC staff can join in after biweekly TACC meeting (ends ~10am)
  • AustinPy meeting on Wednesday evening?
  • social event on Sat: shooting range + visit San Antonio
eb --extended-dry-run
  • print build/install dir as they will be used (rather than using /tmp/.../__ROOT__/...)
  • print install prefix in dry run of sanity check
  • difference between __ROOT__ and __fake__ paths (see setvar lines for netCDF in WRF module in example)
support for .yeb easyconfigs
  • overview of roadmap
  • some concern w.r.t. lifetime of support for current .eb easyconfigs
    • not going to disappear any time soon
    • unclear right now whether .yeb files will provide some flexibility as current .eb files
      • for example, "local variables" like python_version, string concatenation, ...?
    • if support for .yeb is stable, may become recommended easyconfig format
    • script will be implemented to help transitioning from .eb to .yeb
    • Riccardo: Python syntax of .eb easyconfigs is a plus, e.g. rely on environment variables for site customisations
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