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Testing and Troubleshooting Hypnos

Bao Nguyen edited this page Dec 29, 2020 · 6 revisions

Testing the Hypnos board


The main parts of the Hypnos that needs to be tested is the SD, RTC, and power rails. To do so, the following materials are necessary:

Testing the Hypnos

  1. Plug in USB cable to Feather M0
  2. Upload Loom Hypnos example code to Feather
  3. Insert uSD card and 3V coin cell battery into Hypnos
  4. Attach Feather and Hypnos together through pins

  1. Wait for Loom code to upload

  2. After uploading, verify the SD and RTC initialize and reading data at 9600 baud

    a. The setup should say that the SD and RTC initialize were successful and the modules should list below. Note, if it is your first time uploading the code and checking the serial monitor after plugging it in, the text should read "RTC was not initialized". This will be important later.

b. For the loop function, the data should be listed and updated as long as the Feather / Hypnos are connected. Here is what the RTC and SD should look like in the serial monitor:

  1. Check that the 3VRail and 5VRail LEDs are on

  2. Use a multimeter to check the voltages of the rails

    a. Should be 3.3V and 5V respectively

  3. Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable making sure the coin cell battery is still connected. This is testing if the coin cell battery gives power to the RTC

  4. Press the reset button and check the Serial monitor again

    a. The text that said "RTC was not initialized" should not appear anymore. If that's the case, the coin cell battery is powering the RTC.

  1. ***For 12V boards:

    a. Connect a power source to the +in pin and GND (make sure the power source is at least 3V)

    b. Use a multimeter to measure the voltage between the out+ and GND pins, ensuring the 5V solder bridge is connected and is turned on in the code

    c. The measurement should be the voltage of the power source


  • If the RTC does not initialize:
    • Make sure the 3V solder bridge is connected
    • Ensure all of the components are soldered to make a good connection
    • In the code, verify that the 3VRail is turned on
      • Also check that the DS3231 is initialized correctly at pin 12
    • Use a multimeter to check the continuity of the nodes
  • If the SD does not initialize:
    • Inspect the pins in the SD card holder
      • Ensure none of the pins are connected to each other
      • Make sure the SD card holder connections are secured to the Hypnos board. IF doesn't work, check uSD rework
    • In the code, check the config file to see if the SD is initialized with the correct parameters
      • For the Hypnos, the SD pin is 10
  • If the LEDs are not powered:
    • Use a multimeter to check the connection
      • Use the diode function and touch the pads on the board with the red probe on the inner side and the black probe on the outer side
      • The LEDs should be dimly lit. If not, resolder the connection
    • Check to see if the rail is powered in the code. The following code should be used in the setup function to turn the rails on:
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(5, LOW);  // Sets pin 5, the pin with the 3.3V rail, to output and enables the rail
pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(6, HIGH); // Sets pin 6, the pin with the 5V rail, to output and enables the rail
  • The 12V Rail is not outputting the correct voltage
    • Make sure 12V related components are connected
    • Ensure the wires connecting the 12V pin and the power source is secure
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