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kanke-hayata edited this page Oct 7, 2022 · 10 revisions

joint servo motor


you can use dynamixel_wizard2 to set the configuration from ubuntu/windows.

*run below commands if you've not been added to the group.

$ sudo adduser $USER dialout
$ sudo reboot

motor types:

general configuration:

  • baud rate: 3 (i.e., 1Mbps)
  • return delay time: 25[ms]
  • operating mode: 5

thrust rotor

  • motor specification measurement: See here

ESC calibration

  • roslaunch spinal_ros_bridge serial.launch
  • Every time restart spinal, remember to publish topic to /uav_info, HydrusX example: rostopic pub -1 /uav_info spinal/UavInfo "motor_num: 4 uav_model: 16 baselink: 2"
  1. remove all the propeller for safety, unplugin all the ESC from power cable for safety
  2. publish topic with pwm maximum value (ESC NOT CONNECT TO Power Cable, DANGEROUS!!)
    rostopic pub -1 /pwm_test std_msgs/Float32 "data: 0.95" (0.95 means 1900)
  3. connect one ESC to respective power cable Tmotor ESC calibration introduction file
  4. wait for the voice info (as picture) and publish topic with pwm minimum value 'rostopic pub -1 /pwm_test std_msgs/Float32 "data: 0.5"' (0.5 means 1000)
  5. unplugin the ESC from power cable, and start to calibrate next ESC \
  • If want to test calibration results, plugin ESC and publish topic with low pwm value:
    rostopic pub -1 /pwm_test std_msgs/Float32 "data: 0.53" (0.53 means 1060)
  1. repeat the process 1-5 but wait for the voice info of High Timing, to change to High Timing mode


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