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Tech Type

Jeremie Rossignol edited this page Aug 2, 2015 · 3 revisions

The Tech class represents a technology that can be researched.


Method Signature Description
float Cost() The cost to unlock the tech in science.
bool IsUnlocked() Whether the player has unlocked this tech or not.
bool IsReadyToUnlock() Returns true if the Tech is one that is ready to be unlocked (meaning it is not unlocked, but meets the preconditions for being unlocked). Note that this does NOT check the R&D building upgrades, only if the parent tech(s) are unlocked.
string Description() The textual description of the tech.
int Level() What level in the tree this tech is at (the start node is considered level 0).
List<Tech> Children() A list of all children of this node in the tech tree.
List<Tech> Parents() A list of all parents of this node in the tech tree.

Global Functions

Function Signature Description
List<Tech> AllTech() Returns a list of all technology nodes.
List<Tech> UnlockedTech() Returns a list of all technology nodes the player has unlocked.
Tech Tech(string identifier) Returns the Tech for the given identifier.
int MaxTechLevelUnlocked() Returns the maximum tech level the player has unlocked.
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