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ExperimentalPart Behaviour

Jeremie Rossignol edited this page Aug 25, 2015 · 1 revision

Behaviour for adding and removing experimental parts. Note that if a part is added using this behaviour, it will also be removed on contract failure/cancellation. It will only be removed on normal contract completion if requested using the lockCriteria (see below).

    name = ExperimentalPart
    type = ExperimentalPart

    // The name of the part to add/remove.
    // Type:      AvailablePart
    // Required:  Yes (multiples allowed)
    part = largeSolarPanel
    part = cupola

    // When (or if) the part should be added as an experimental part.
    // Type:      ExperimentalPart.UnlockCriteria
    // Required:  No (defaulted)
    // Values:
    //     DO_NOT_UNLOCK
    //     CONTRACT_ACCEPTANCE (default)
    unlockCriteria = CONTRACT_ACCEPTANCE

    // If the unlockCriteria is set to PARAMETER_COMPLETION, the name of the
    // parameter that must be completed to trigger the part unlock.
    // Type:      string
    // Required:  See above
    unlockParameter = TheParameter

    // When (or if) the part should be removed as an experimental part.
    // Type:      ExperimentalPart.LockCriteria
    // Required:  No (defaulted)
    // Values:
    //     DO_NOT_LOCK
    //     CONTRACT_COMPLETION (default)
    lockCriteria = CONTRACT_ACCEPTANCE

    // If the lockCriteria is set to PARAMETER_COMPLETION, the name of the
    // parameter that must be completed to trigger the part lock.
    // Type:      string
    // Required:  See above
    lockParameter = TheParameter
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