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SCANsatLocationCoverage Requirement

Jeremie Rossignol edited this page Aug 12, 2020 · 6 revisions

Requirement for having a specific location covered for the given scan type/planet.

    name = SCANsatLocationCoverage
    type = SCANsatLocationCoverage

    // Target body, defaulted from the contract if not supplied.
    // Type:      CelestialBody
    // Required:  No (defaulted)
    targetBody = Kerbin

    // Define the location via latitude/longitude...
    // Type:      double
    // Required:  No
    latitude = -0.102668048654
    longitude = -74.5753856554

    // ...OR via a PQSCity location (but not both)
    // Type:      string
    // Required:  No
    pqsCity = Monolith00

    // The type of scan to perform.
    // Type:      SCANdata.SCANtype
    // Required:  Yes
    // Values:
    //     AltimetryHiRes
    //     AltimetryLoRes
    //     Anomaly
    //     AnomalyDetail
    //     Biome
    //     ResourceHiRes
    //     ResourceLoRes
    //     VisualHiRes
    //     VisualLoRes
    scanType = Biome
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