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HasAstronaut Parameter

Jeremie Rossignol edited this page Jul 14, 2015 · 3 revisions

Parameter to require a certain number/type of hired astronauts.

    name = HasAstronaut
    type = HasAstronaut

    // The type of trait required.
    // Type:      string
    // Required:  No
    // Values (for stock KSP):
    //     Pilot
    //     Engineer
    //     Scientist
    trait = Pilot

    // Minimum experience level.
    // Type:      int
    // Required:  No (defaulted)
    // Default:   0
    minExperience = 1

    // Maximum experience level.
    // Type:      int
    // Required:  No (defaulted)
    // Default:   5
    maxExperience = 2

    // Minimum count of astronauts that must match the attributes above.
    // Type:      int
    // Required:  No (defaulted)
    // Default:   1
    minCount = 1

    // Maximum count of astronauts that must match the attributes above.
    // Type:      int
    // Required:  No (defaulted)
    // Default:   int.MaxValue
    maxCount = 10

    // Text to use for the parameter
    // Type:      string
    // Required:  No (defaulted)
    // Default:   (differs based on scenario)
    //title =
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