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Groupings Widget

ton1ght edited this page Oct 13, 2021 · 13 revisions

The Groupings Widget provides a table of all existing groupings. From within the widget, new groupings can be created, selected in the Graph View, have their name or color changed and deleted.

Groupings Widget

Widget Components

The widget itself comprises three components: a table listing all existing groupings with their id and color, a toolbar at its top, and a context menu that is shown whenever one of the groupings in the table is right-clicked.


The table is the center part of the Grouping Widget and provides an overview of all existing groupings as well as their id and color. The table can be sorted by name as well as id / color and may also be searched using the dedicated search capabilities.


The toolbar on the top of the widget allows the actions Create New Grouping (1), Toolbox (2), Rename Grouping (3), Change Grouping Color (4), Add Grouping to Selection (5), Delete Grouping (6) and Search Grouping (7) described in more detail below.


Context Menu

Right clicking a grouping in the table opens the context menu. It allows the actions Create New Grouping (1), Rename Grouping (2), Change Grouping Color (3), Add Grouping to Selection (4) and Delete Grouping (5).

Context Menu

Available Actions

Overall, the Groupings Widget provides access to all the actions listed below. Some of them are available through the toolbar or the context menu, while others can only be accessed by operating on the table itself.

Create New Grouping

Creates a new, empty Grouping.


Opens a context menu with the actions Predecessor tree to new grouping, Successor tree to new grouping, Groupings by predecessor distance and Groupings by successor distance, which are described below. These actions are applied to a selected element in Graph View. The toolbox button is only available when the selection consists of a single element.

Predecessor/successor tree to new grouping

Creates a new grouping and assigns all predecessors/successors to the grouping.

Groupings by predecessor/successor distance

Creates a new grouping for each distance and assigns the predecessors/successors to the corresponding grouping. Each grouping represents the distance between the selected element and its predecessors/successors.

Rename Grouping

Opens a prompt to change the name of the selected grouping. The new name must be unique. This action can also be triggered by double clicking the name of a grouping in the table.

Change Grouping Color

Opens a color picker dialog to change the color of the selected grouping. The table and the Graph View are updated with the newly chosen color. This action can also be triggered by double clicking the color of a grouping in the table.

Add Grouping to Selection

Adds all gates, nets and modules associated with the selected grouping to the current selection.

Delete Grouping

Deletes the selected grouping. Gates, nets and modules associated with this grouping are not deleted.

Search Grouping

To find a specific grouping, a filter can be applied to the table. Pressing the shortcut CTRL + F while the widget is focused or left-clicking the magnifying glass in the toolbar of the widget toggles the search bar. As a result, only groupings matching the text in the search bar are shown in the table. The groupings can be filtered by their name. The filter is only active when the searchbar is visible. The magnifying glass in the toolbar changes to a green color to indicate that the filter is active.

Sort Groupings

By default, the groupings are ordered by their name. The order can be reversed by left clicking the Name header. Left clicking the ID / Color header sorts the groupings by their id / color.

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