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FRISCV is a SystemVerilog implementation of the RISCV ISA:
- Built around a 3-stage pipeline
- In-order execution
- AXI4-lite for instruction and data bus
- Instruction & data cache units
- Privilege modes:
- Machine-mode only for simple embedded system
- User-mode for secure embedded system
- Physical memory protection (PMP) & Physical Memory Attribute (PMA), up to 16 regions
- External, software and timer interrupts
- Support multiple (optional) extensions:
- RV32I & RV32E architecture
- Zifencei
- Zicsr
- Zicntr
- Zihpm
- M extension (multiply/divide)
- Clint extension
The core is compliant with the official RISCV testsuite.
The IP is decribed in two layers:
- the core, a RISCV hart to execute an assembler program
- the platform, instantiating a hart, an AXI4 crossbar and the peripherals
The core is compact and composed by:
- the control unit, fetching and sequencing the instructions
- the processing unit, executing the arithmetic and memory access instructions
- the cache units, one for instruction, one for data bus
- the CSR unit
- the ISA registers
- the memory protection unit for less-privilege mode memory access
More details of the architecture can be found in the:
The core is verified with several testsuites, present in test folder:
- White-Box Assembler testsuite
- Privilege / Security testsuite
- RISCV Compliance testsuite
- C testsuite
- Apps testsuite
- SV testsuite
The flow relies on:
Coremark has been performed on the platform
(core with caches + AXI interconnect and peripherals).
The IP demonstrates 2.87 coremark / MHz:
CoreMark 1.0 : 1435 / GCC 11.1.1 -O1
The core is usually synthesized with Yosys during continuous integration.
to ensure. Follows area figured out by a synthesis with Vivado 2021.2
- Slice LUTs: 13635
- Slice registers: 2774
- RAMs: 0
- DSPs: 0
- Slice LUTs: 16032
- Slice registers: 4889
- RAMs: 0
- DSPs: 0
The core has not been yet tested on hardware, but a synthesis flow based in Yosys is available in syn folder.
This IP core is licensed under MIT license. It grants nearly all rights to use, modify and distribute these sources.
However, consider to contribute and provide updates to this core if you add feature and fix, would be greatly appreciated :)