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z_archive: 0.20 Testing Guide and Checklist

Chris edited this page Aug 16, 2023 · 1 revision

v0.20 Testing

Our goals for v0.20 were very ambitious. Unfortunately the codebase made it very hard for us to verify things and reliably implement new features. That's why the decision has been made to do a proper code clean up as the main feature for this release. But that's of course not all - in progress of the cleanup we also fixed some bugs and added some security features.

The previously teased features like PWM as a setting and variable will come at a later point in one form or another.

What are we going to test?

Bluejay v0.20 features:

  • Fixed 3D bidirectional operation
  • EDT safety arm
  • Temperature readings

If you flashed previous rc versions of 0.20, please restore the default settings via esc-configurator.

What do we need?

A drone with Blheli_S/Bluejay based ESCs and optionally with blackbox

  • Bluejay 0.20 rc10 firmware files:
  • Dev version of
  • Betaflight at 4.4.0 - on later versions there are currently some DSHOT bugs being worked out which makes it not suitable for testing yet

Testing EDT safety arm

  • Remove the propellers of your kwad
  • Go to esc configurator tool and check ESC force EDT arm and save configuration
  • Go to Betaflight configurator tool and open CLI Tab
  • Enter set dshot_edt=on command.
  • Enter save command.
  • Go to Betaflight configurator tool and open Motors Tab
  • Remove the propellers
  • Check I understand the risk if you understood that if you don't remove the propellers the drone will jump from the table (into your face and probably kill you) as soon as you move the sliders. Sorry for insisting :)
  • Move one motor slider up. The motor should start spinning
  • Move the slider down to zero
  • Mode the slider up. The motor should beep
  • As soon as you rearm the drone disabling and enabling again the switch button you will be able to spin the motor again. The switch button sends again a enable EDT command to the ESC.

Testing temperature readings

We opted to default to disable temperature protection by default for a couple of reasons:

  • Prior to 0.19 temperature protection has not been working at all
  • Temperature protection can cause issues on some 1S builds if not configured correctly
  • AIO boards with badly out of whack temp sensor calibrations have been found

We would like to know if your temp readings are in a sane range, in order to check this you will have to do the following things:

  1. Enable ESC Temperature OSD Element in Betaflight
  2. Enable EDT as described in the "Testing EDT safety arm" step
  3. Set power rating in esc-configurator. Generally speaking this should always be 2S+, unless you have an AIO that is rated for 1S only, then it is very likely that the 1S setting is the correct one, but this is unfortunately not always the case. You will have to check this via the ESC Temperature OSD Element that you enabled in the step above.

We are interested to see if you see unrealistic values here. Everything below 20 and above 100 degrees would be considered an unrealistic value, values at 0 or around 255 would indicate an MCU where the temp sensor calibration is badly out of whack.

Submitting blackbox data

  • The name of the blackbox file should have the following format: [yyyymmddhhmm][PWM_FREQ][NAME].bbl
  • Upload the log in Bluejay's Discord server testing channel:

Reported Issues

A collection of reported issues/findings on Discord:

