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aaron-effron edited this page Apr 18, 2014 · 1 revision

Name: Aaron Effron


Name: Charly Walther


#Charly and I did the first 3 together in class, and I finished the rest on my own (this is Aaron's file)

#1. What is the first pokemon in our database? Our last one?

Pokemon.first Pokemon.last

#2. Are any pokemon palindromes? If so, which ones?

names = Pokemon.all; {|pmon| ==}

#3. Find all pokemon that are GHOST type.

Pokemon.where(:poke_type => "GHOST")

#4. Are there more pokemon with even pokemon numbers who are GRASS type or who are FIRE type?

names = Pokemon.all; newnames = {|pmon| pmon.poke_type == "GRASS"}; newestnames ={|pman| == 0}; firenames = {|pmon| pmon.poke_type == "FIRE"}; newfirenames ={|pman| == 0}; grasssize = newestnames.size firesize = newfirenames.size grasssize if grasssize > firesize puts "More GRASS type with even number" else puts "More FIRE type with even number" end

#5. Try to defeat Charizard. Find a pokemon with special attack (sp_attack) greater than 78 and whose type is water.

Waterpoke = Pokemon.where(:poke_type => "WATER"); Waterpoke.where("sp_atk > ?", 78)

#6. Pokemon can no longer have over 100 health (hp). Update any pokemon who has health greater than 100 to have only 99 health (hp).

names = Pokemon.all; superhealth = {|el| el.hp > 100}; superhealth.each {|el| el.hp = 99}; superhealth.each {|el|};

#7. Make a new pokemon. What attributes are necessary? What attributes do you want to make sure you put in?

Pokemon.create(id: 204, poke_num: 204, name: "Shablam", poke_type: "AWESOME", hp: 50, attack: 200, defense: 20, sp_atk: 300, sp_def: 50, speed: 400);

#8. Everyone hates Jigglypuff. Remove that pokemon from the database (and existance!). Make sure it's not just removed from Rubyland, but also from Databaseland.

jigglypuff = Pokemon.where(:name => "Jigglypuff"); jigglypuff.destroy(jigglypuff);

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