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Machiste N. Quintana edited this page Apr 12, 2014 · 44 revisions

6-11 hours

Assignment 10: Finish Pokemon assignment from class

3-6 hours

This assignment should be done in the folder assignments/pokemonclass/YOURNAME

  1. Read's chapter on Classes
  2. You can see some example code in classexamples/day7/pokemon.rb here
  3. Finish the Pokemon class according to the Requirements listed below
  • Add 3 attributes of your choice to the required Pokemon attributes.
    • NOTE: These attributes must be used in at least one method.
  1. Create 3 Pokemon classes that inherit from the Pokemon class
  • Each Pokemon must have at least 1 distinct attack / move.
  • At least 1 Pokemon must have >= 3 distinct attacks.
  • 1 Pokemon's attack must have a Power Points (PP) total that is depleted by 1 each time that attack is used. Once the PP total reaches 0, that attack can no longer be used.
    • NOTE: It's probably a good idea to implement this with the Pokemon with at least 3 attacks.
  • Each Pokemon must have its own distinct cry which you should set when you initialize the object.
  • Each Pokemon must have its own distinct name which you should set when you initialize the object.
  • At least 1 Pokemon must have a move that doesn't damage, but rather affects the defense of either itself or the opponent Pokemon.
  1. Choose 2 of your Pokemon classes to battle.
  • Instantiate each Pokemon.
  • Call any of their move methods as if they were "attacking" each other.
  • Keep calling move methods until one Pokemon's current_health drops to 0. (You choose which one you want to lose!)
    • NOTE: Do not write a loop or conditional to automate this. We want you to manually, procedurally write out each move method call, and stop when you've determined that one Pokemon's health has dropped to 0.
  • When one Pokemon's current_health drops to 0, puts the following message to the console: "<> has fainted!", where <> is the defeated Pokemon's name.

General Notes

  • What is object instantiation / initialization? See this quick tutorial!
  • Not familiar with Pokemon? Check out the Pokemon Database for inspiration!
  • It's totally fine for this to be all in one file.
  • An attack is a move that specifically causes damage; a move can have any effect. They don't need to look different in the code (they're both methods!), we're only using these terms in the specification.
  • You can name a move anything you want - be creative!

Requirements - Data

Pokemon class

Attribute Type Default Value Description
name String "Missingno" "You'll need to override this default value when you create your inherited classes.
current_health Integer None Instantiated value should be equal to max_health
max_health Integer None Instantiated value should be some integer between 10 and 999.
defense Integer None The defense value is subtracted from the damage dealt. Be careful of negative damage values - there can only ever be positive damage values!
attack Float None The attack attribute is used as a damage multiplier - a Pokemon's attack is multiplied by the amount of damage dealt.
cry String "..." When a Pokemon is encountered in battle, it puts its battle cry.

Pokemon inheriting from class Pokemon

Attribute Type Default Value Description
name String Class name Default value should be equal to the class name, but you should still be able to set it to another value when you initialize it.

NOTE: You will need to set the values for all of these attributes when you instantiate a Pokemon.

Requirements - Behavior

Pokemon class

Method Name Parameters Return Action
damage opponent, amount nil Reduces the Pokemon's current_health by amount minus the Pokemon's defense.
full_heal None nil Restores the Pokemon's current_health to its original max_health
cry None nil puts the Pokemon's cry

Pokemon inheriting from class Pokemon

Method Name Parameters Return Action
<move1> opponent or none nil Move can have any effect on an opponent's attribute or on itself - you get to choose what attribute!
<move2> opponent or none nil Move can have any effect on an opponent's attribute or on itself - you get to choose what attribute!
<move3> opponent nil Move must affect opponent's defense.
cry none nil puts the Pokemon's cry (overwrites the Pokemon class method)
NOTE: Remember that each instantiated Pokemon must have unique moves!

Assignment 11: Rails for Zombies

3-5 hours

  • Make an account on
  • Complete all of Rails for Zombies (a free CodeSchool course). Some things will be very familiar, and some things will be brand new.
  • When you get to the end, take a screenshot, save it as first_last.png (or any extension), and email it to [email protected]


  1. Submit your time worked for each of the assignments on the class google form (Found on the Assignments page).
  2. Assignment 10 (Pokemon class) should be done in the folder assignments/pokemonclass/YOURNAME. Submit a pull request to the STC Developer Curriculum, see the Yalies On Rails 2014 Spring Repository page for specific details.
  3. Assignment 11 Rails for Zombies - Email in the screenshot (see above)