A 2D colorful reimagining of the chrome dinosaur offline game for the web.
Play the game right here: https://wldfngrs.itch.io/dino-saur
Download and install emscripten and execute the following command in the project's root directory:
$ em++ -o index.html BackgroundSprite.cpp Collision.cpp DinoSprite.cpp DirtManager.cpp Game.cpp Main.cpp ObstacleManager.cpp ObstacleSprite.cpp Score.cpp SoundManager.cpp SpriteComponent.cpp Text.cpp TextureManager.cpp Vector2D.cpp -sUSE_SDL=2 -sUSE_SDL_IMAGE=2 -sUSE_SDL_TTF=2 -sUSE_SDL_MIXER=2 -sSDL2_IMAGE_FORMATS=['png'] -sUSE_GLFW=3 -sWASM=1 -sASYNCIFY -s GL_ENABLE_GET_PROC_ADDRESS=1 --preload-file Assets
The compiled .js
, .wasm
, .data
, and .html
files are located in the project's root.
Pull requests are welcome! For major refactors, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to improve. Feel free to create a fork of this repository or use the code for any other noncommercial purposes.