WSISR: Single image super-resolution for whole slide image using convolutional neural networks and self-supervised color normalization
This is the PyTorch implementation of using generative adversarial neural networks for single-image super-resolution in whole slide imaging. Paper. Medical Image Analysis.
Install anaconda/miniconda
Required packages
$ conda env create --name wsisr --file env.yml
$ conda activate wsisr
Details regarding PyTorch-FID.
$ pip install pytorch-fid
$ pip install git+
$ python
You will need GPU/CUDA support to run the training.
$ python
$ python
[--batch-size] # Size of the mini-batch default: (int) 32
[--patch-size] # Size of extracted patch default: (int) 224
[--up-scale] # Targeted upscale factor default: (float) 5
[--num-epochs] # Number of training epochs default: (int) 900
[--g-lr] # Learning rate of generator default: (float) 0.0001
[--d-lr] # Learning rate of descriminator default: (float) 0.00001
[--percep-weight] # GAN loss weight default: (float) 0.001
[--run-from] # Load weights from a previous run default: None
[--start-epoch] # Starting epoch for the curriculum default: (int) 1
[--gan] # Enable GAN training 1: on, 0: off default: (int) 1
[--num-critic] # Interval of descriminator training default: (int) 1
[--test-interval] # Epoch interval for FID score testing default: (int) 50
[--print-interval] # Epoch interval for output printing default: (int) 10
[--dataset] # Dataset folder name default: (str) TMA
[--in-folder] # Low NA image folder name default: (str) low
[--out-folder] # High NA image folder name default: (str) high
[--extension] # Training image extension default: (str) jpg
Please check python argument help for more details.
- Output images: the final output testing images will be stitched ('output/lr/', 'output/hr/', 'output/sr/') when the training completes. During the training, validation patches are printed in 'output/print/'.
- Model weights are saved in 'weights/'. Each run will create a separate folder. Use the folder name as the argument '--run-from' will load the corresponding weights.
- 1/2 of the epochs are used for curriculum learning where the mean of the upscale factor increases. Starting the epoch at 1/2 of the total epoch can skip the curriculum.
- Patches are randomly extracted from the TMA. GAN-based training can take very long time to converge.
Please use the following BibTeX entry.
title = {Single image super-resolution for whole slide image using convolutional neural networks and self-supervised color normalization},
journal = {Medical Image Analysis},
volume = {68},
pages = {101938},
year = {2021},
issn = {1361-8415},
doi = {},
author = {Bin Li and Adib Keikhosravi and Agnes G. Loeffler and Kevin W. Eliceiri}