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Steve Halliwell edited this page Oct 20, 2019 · 1 revision

Camera commands

Fade Screen

Draws a fullscreen texture over the scene to give a fade effect. Setting Target Alpha to 1 will obscure the screen, alpha 0 will reveal the screen. If no Fade Texture is provided then a default flat color texture is used.

Defined in Fungus.FadeScreen

Property Type Description
Duration System.Single Time for fade effect to complete
Target Alpha System.Single Current target alpha transparency value. The fade gradually adjusts the alpha to approach this target value.
Wait Until Finished System.Boolean Wait until the fade has finished before executing next command
Fade Color UnityEngine.Color Color to render fullscreen fade texture with when screen is obscured.
Fade Texture UnityEngine.Texture2D Optional texture to use when rendering the fullscreen fade effect.

Fade To View

Fades the camera out and in again at a position specified by a View object.

Defined in Fungus.FadeToView

Property Type Description
Duration System.Single Time for fade effect to complete
Fade Out System.Boolean Fade from fully visible to opaque at start of fade
Target View Fungus.View View to transition to when Fade is complete
Wait Until Finished System.Boolean Wait until the fade has finished before executing next command
Fade Color UnityEngine.Color Color to render fullscreen fade texture with when screen is obscured.
Fade Texture UnityEngine.Texture2D Optional texture to use when rendering the fullscreen fade effect.
Target Camera UnityEngine.Camera Camera to use for the fade. Will use main camera if set to none.


Sets the application to fullscreen, windowed or toggles the current state.

Defined in Fungus.Fullscreen

Move To View

Moves the camera to a location specified by a View object.

Defined in Fungus.MoveToView

Property Type Description
Duration System.Single Time for move effect to complete
Target View Fungus.View View to transition to when move is complete
Wait Until Finished System.Boolean Wait until the fade has finished before executing next command
Target Camera UnityEngine.Camera Camera to use for the pan. Will use main camera if set to none.

Shake Camera

Applies a camera shake effect to the main camera.

Defined in Fungus.ShakeCamera

Property Type Description
Duration System.Single Time for camera shake effect to complete
Amount UnityEngine.Vector2 Magnitude of shake effect in x & y axes
Wait Until Finished System.Boolean Wait until the shake effect has finished before executing next command

Start Swipe

Activates swipe panning mode where the player can pan the camera within the area between viewA & viewB.

Defined in Fungus.StartSwipe

Property Type Description
View A Fungus.View Defines one extreme of the scrollable area that the player can pan around
View B Fungus.View Defines one extreme of the scrollable area that the player can pan around
Duration System.Single Time to move the camera to a valid starting position between the two views
Speed Multiplier System.Single Multiplier factor for speed of swipe pan
Target Camera UnityEngine.Camera Camera to use for the pan. Will use main camera if set to none.

Stop Swipe

Deactivates swipe panning mode.

Defined in Fungus.StopSwipe Auto-Generated by Fungus.ExportReferenceDocs

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