v1.0.4 - Engine and AI updates
This version updates to the latest KataGo version released yesterday, and includes functionality to use the latest feature (wideRootNoise) - which will make the engine show a wider range of moves, as well as a number of bug fixes and AI improvements.
As usual, see the 'assets' tab below for the pre-built windows download.
- Engine updates:
- Updated katago executables for v1.4.0
- Tuning of katago on first startup will now show up clearly in the interface.
- Addition of wide_root_noise engine option - try 0.05 - 0.1 to see a wider variety of moves.
- AI updates
- ScoreLoss AI added, which plays varied moves with small mistakes.
- Policy-weighted AI improved to no longer pass when many equal low probability options exist.
- Policy-Noise removed as weighted is better to play against.
- Policy-Tenuki/Influence/Territory AIs now have an option to not tenuki in late-middle and endgame, which is set by default.
- GUI improvements
- Improved next/previous icons.
- Improved score graph display.
- Teaching undos will no longer trigger when switching in the middle of a review.
- Fixed bug where double clicking a move to navigate to it did not update other indicators.
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed bugs in open sgf dialog related to path and rewinding.
- Fixed bug in MacOS support.
- Fixed a bug where looking at PVs while a sweep analysis was in progress could cause a crash.