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Releases: sanderland/katrain

v1.15 - KataGo update and minor fixes

17 Aug 20:07
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This release updates KataGo to the latest version, and includes a stronger 18b network by default.
Current training is on the newer 28b model, and if your GPU supports it, downloading the strongest 28b network through the "general settings" panel is recommended.

Fixes and improvements

Note that although KataGo 1.15 supports various new features for human-like play, this version of KaTrain does not make us of them.


  • Windows users can simply download and run the KaTrain.exe file attached, or download the file and run the .exe in that (which is slightly faster to start up)
  • The MacOS standalone app is currently not working.
  • Linux and macOS users can install using pip3 install -U katrain
    • Note that the minimum required Python version has been updated to 3.9, as it is the lowest supported version soon.

1.14: Stronger default network

08 Jul 16:10
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What's Changed

This version is mainly a move to using a stronger default network. Upgrading is not needed if you are already using this network, but the release should make it easier to get started for new users.

Thanks to recent advances, the latest 18b networks with improved architecture are clearly better at basically any settings compared to the old 20/30/40/60b options. Furthermore, it is small enough to include in the release.
The previous default 15b network remains available to download from within general settings, for those with very low resource machines. As a general rule, you should only use this if you experience crashes with the new default network.


  • Windows users can simply download and run the KaTrain.exe file attached, or download the file and run the .exe in that (which is slightly faster to start up)
  • macOS users can use the attached KaTrainOSX.dmg (open, drag .app to applications). The first time you start the app, you will need to control-click the app in finder to allow installation. Note that on the newer Macs with M1 architecture, you still need to brew install katago, or compile katago yourself.
  • Linux and macOS users can install using pip3 install -U katrain

1.13: KataGo upgrade

28 May 13:59
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This is another small release, but it still recommended, as it includes a new KataGo version (1.13.x) with some interesting new features and bug fixes, including yet another new type of network.

It also fixes a small bug in the NGF file format.

See other releases for installation details.

1.12.3: KataGo upgrade

09 Jan 20:41
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This is a small release, but it still recommended, as it includes a new KataGo version with some interesting new features, including a new type of network.


  • Included KataGo 1.12.1 -> 1.12.2 -> 1.12.3
    • This includes a new 18b network that is between old 40b and 60b strength, read more about it here.
    • Note that the versions being equal is more a coincidence, KaTrain 1.12 does not include KataGo 1.12.
  • Ownership visualization changes and fixes
    • Fixed some ownership visualization bugs in teaching mode
    • Extended theming options for ownership
    • Slight changes to make the default theme simpler


  • Windows users can simply download and run the KaTrain.exe file attached, or download the file and run the .exe in that (which is slightly faster to start up)
  • macOS users can use the attached KaTrainOSX.dmg (open, drag .app to applications). The first time you start the app, you will need to control-click the app in finder to allow installation. Note that on the newer Macs with M1 architecture, you still need to brew install katago, or compile katago yourself.
  • Linux and macOS users can install using pip3 install -U katrain

After installing the program for the first time, it is recommended to check general settings (F8) and download the latest katago models.


  • 1.12.2: replaced katago versions as the earlier release was buggy and blocked from contributing
  • 1.12.3: another katago update

1.12: Blended ownership, bug fixes

20 Nov 13:22
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New features:

  • Ownership visualization was improved, thanks to the incredible work of @jacobm-tech
    • The default style is now blended, but you can theme it to use marks, blocks, or blended style, and choose when to mark stones
    • See themes for all the options
    • Old themes have been updated to stay close to their former style
    • Design improvement suggestions or bug reports can be added to this issue
    • The default may change, particularly between 'all' or 'weak' stones marked, here is a quick poll to inform this decision
  • Deeper analysis can now be applied only to a specific move range
    *Continuous analysis and other extra analysis modes are now less aggressive in turning 'top move' hints on.
    • Using shift+spacebar instead of spacebar avoids turning them on in the remaining of starting continuous analysis.

Bug fixes and minor changes:

  • Python 3.10 is supported again
  • Wide root noise works correctly when set to 0.0 in config, this previously reverted to the default.
  • Board rotation was fixed
    • +Fix region of interest when board is rotated
    • +No longer dependent on numpy, reducing binary size and improving startup time
  • An improvement in the display for high resolution displays on windows
  • When certain hints are turned off, as in the lizzie theme, hovering over them is now disabled as well
  • Windows executables should now include version information, thanks to @ulty4life


  • Windows users can simply download and run the KaTrain.exe file attached, or download the file and run the .exe in that (which is slightly faster to start up)
  • macOS users can use the attached KaTrainOSX.dmg (open, drag .app to applications). The first time you start the app, you will need to control-click the app in finder to allow installation. Note that on the newer Macs with M1 architecture, you still need to brew install katago, or compile katago yourself.
  • Linux and macOS users can install using pip3 install -U katrain

After installing the program for the first time, it is recommended to check general settings (F8) and download the latest katago models.

1.11.2: Board rotation and Bug fixes

23 Jun 20:06
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This is a minor update with mainly some bug fixes.

Bug fixes

  • Cache analysis in SGF was accidentally dropped from the analysis options, this has been fixed
  • Minor fixes to sounds and edge cases for handicaps on tiny boards.

New features


  • 1.11.1 -> 1.11.2 Fix for some issues with the windows builds and config file versions.
    • Note that the new windows builds are quite a bit larger due to numpy binaries, so it is recommended to use the .zip version over the standalone .exe as the latter will be even slower to start
  • OSX binary updated with new tag (1.11.2fixes-for-osx)

1.11: KataGo upgrade, Tsumego Frame, Turkish translation

24 Mar 16:16
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New Features

  • Included KataGo upgraded to v1.11 see improvements here
  • Tsumego Frame, thanks to @kaorahi #498
  • Prune branch option in the move tree. This removes all side branches leading up to the selected node.
  • Turkish Translation, thanks to "Bora Zafer"
  • Keyboard shortcuts for contribution
    • Esc gracefully aborts contribution, finishing current games
    • Pause pauses/resumes contribution
    • To forcefully exit KataGo without finishing games in progress, just quit KaTrain itself
  • Estimated territory restyling, thanks to @milescrawford in #487
  • High precision score near 0, thanks to @pdeblanc in #514
    • This enables an option to show score estimates near 0 to 2 significant digits, which can be enabled under analysis settings.

Technical changes and fixes

  • Upgrade to Kivy 2.1
    • The MacOSX build should hopefully be improved by this.
    • Python 3.6 support was dropped.


  • Windows users can simply download and run the KaTrain.exe file attached, or download the file and run the .exe in that (which is slightly faster to start up)
  • macOS users can use the attached KaTrainOSX.dmg (open, drag .app to applications). The first time you start the app, you will need to control-click the app in finder to allow installation. Note that on the newer Macs with M1 architecture, you still need to brew install katago, or compile katago yourself.
  • Linux and macOS users can install using pip3 install -U katrain

After installing the program for the first time, it is recommended to check general settings (F8) and download the latest katago models.

1.10 KataGo upgrade, Improved pondering, Anti mirror AI

31 Oct 18:59
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Major additions

  • Continuous analysis or 'pondering' has been improved.
    • It will now no longer schedule queries with increasing visits, but just use a single never-ending query.
    • This also fixed a bug with the region of interest function
    • This will break compatibility with KataGo versions older than v1.7.0.
  • KataGo was upgraded to 1.10.0.
    • The linux executable now includes a self-compiled, statically linked libzip, which should reduce issues with versioning.
  • An AntiMirror AI option was added which uses KataGo's special mode for beating players who play mirror go.
  • Scrolling through variations now only works while the cursor is on the board, reducing conflict with browsing the move tree.
  • Middle clicking while scrolling through variations now adds it to the move tree.

Minor fixes and additions

  • The SGF 'compressed points list' functionality which allows you to place a square of stones is now supported
  • On MacOS, command should function as ctrl
  • The log file setting in the default config was removed, as it was broken
  • A bug was fixed where the contribute function could break if the last game included handicap stones.
  • The MacOS packages should now have correct versioning


  • Windows users can simply download and run the KaTrain.exe file attached, or download the file and run the .exe in that (which is slightly faster to start up)
  • macOS users can use the attached KaTrainOSX.dmg (open, drag .app to applications). The first time you start the app, you will need to control-click the app in finder to allow installation. Note that on the newer Macs with M1 architecture, you still need to brew install katago, or compile katago yourself.
  • Linux and macOS users can install using pip3 install -U katrain

After installing the program for the first time, it is recommended to check general settings (F8) and download the latest katago models.

v1.9: Major KataGo upgrade, Peformance reports, Theming

28 Jun 15:52
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Major features

  • KataGo Update: This release includes KataGo 1.9 which includes major improvements. Upgrading is highly recommended.

    • A major change is that the win rates and scores are unaffected by wider exploration, which allows for more use of the 'wide root noise' setting encouraging exploration. The default value of this has been changed to 0.04 in both KaTrain and KataGo itself.
    • Particularly, you are likely to see fewer top moves with small positive changes in score, and fewer instances where the win rate/score oscillates at low visits settings.
    • In addition, symmetry is taken into account. You might notice that in opening positions in particular this combination leads to very wide exploration. If you prefer to see fewer moves, you can change the wide root noise in general settings back to a lower value.
    • One side-effect of this is that it breaks compatibility with some older versions (Around 1.7, such as the old 'bigger board size' binary). A new bigger board size binary is included in the downloadable katago versions.
  • Performance Report : F3 / Analysis options now has a "performance report" which shows key statistics including AI match rate, mistakes of various kinds, and an overall rating.

    • Keep in mind that this overall rating number is mainly for entertainment, and a low visit count will potentially result in unreliable numbers. Suggestions for improvements are welcome, but please do not file issues about individual games.
  • Better support for themes

    • Multiple theme files are now supported, allowing more easy installation of multiple themes, such as a board graphics change, and keyboard shortcuts. Any json file starting with "theme" in your settings folder is now included.
    • Keyboard shortcuts can now be defined in themes. Thanks to @electricrgb for helping with this, and pointing out that the current setup can be annoying for non-qwerty keyboards.
    • See here for more information, and further on in these release notes for a contest!

Minor features

  • It is now possible to play a random sound in response to a mistake. See here for a fun example. Thanks to Mikkgo and Jeff for the sounds.
  • When KataGo fails to start, or crashes, a pop-up with more detailed help opens up. This page will be linked as additional help. Feel free to contribute to it with solutions to problems I missed.
  • You can now use the mouse scroll wheel to quickly scroll through a variation when hovering over a candidate move. Thanks to @xiaoyifang for implementing this.
  • You can now turn off window size/position restoration in general settings. This can help if this feature does strange things on multiple monitor setups.
  • Sound should be more reliable, especially on Linux.

Theme contest

  • To encourage exploration and development of the themes support, there will be a small contest during July.
    • Valid contributions include both theme packages, as well as code that improves theme support or default looks and widget design.
    • See the OGS forums topic for details.


  • Windows users can simply download and run the KaTrain.exe file attached, or download the file and run the .exe in that (which is slightly faster to start up)
  • macOS users can use the attached KaTrainOSX.dmg (open, drag .app to applications). The first time you start the app, you will need to control-click the app in finder. Note that on the newer Macs with M1 architecture, you still need to brew install katago, or compile katago yourself.
  • Linux and macOS users can install using pip3 install -U katrain
  • For troubleshooting and installation from source follow instructions here.

After installing the program, it is recommended to check general settings (F8) and download the latest katago models.


  • 1.9.1: Fix for KivyMD breaking MRO on a patch upgrade
  • 1.9.2: Upgrade to KataGo 1.9.1, preventing crashes of the engine.
  • 1.9.3: Tiny fix for mac sounds, windows executables remain at 1.9.2 as they are unaffected.

1.8.4: Support for New zealand/Tromp-Taylor rules/allowing suicide

11 Apr 17:07
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This is a minor patch which includes:

  • Support for rulesets which allow suicide, including in distributed training. The lack of support for this caused occasional errors when contributing to the distributed training project.
  • Updated for downloading KataGo 1.8.1 in general settings, instead of KataGo 1.8.0

If you are not using KaTrain to contribute to distributed training, there is likely no need to update.