Robot soccer simulator based on FiraSim and GrSim.
Simulates games from LARC Very Small Size and RoboCup Small Size leagues.
$pip install rc-robosim
Currently wheels are distributed to manylinux2010 for python 3.7-3.10. If your environment does not have available wheels it will download from source and attempt to build it, which will require having ODE version 0.16.2 library installed with libccd collisions
$git clone [this repo]
$cd rSim
$pip install .
This will also require having ODE 0.16.2 with libccd installed
import robosim
field_type = 0 # 0 for Division B, 1 for Division A
n_robots_blue = 2 # number of blue robots
n_robots_yellow = 2 # number of yellow robots
time_step_ms = 25 # time step in milliseconds
# ball initial position [x, y, v_x, v_y] in meters and meter/s
ball_pos = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
# robots initial positions [[x, y, angle], [x, y, angle]...], where [[id_0], [id_1]...]
# Units are meters and degrees
blue_robots_pos = [[-0.2, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.4, 0.0, 0.0]]
yellow_robots_pos = [[0.2, 0.0, 0.0], [0.4, 0.0, 0.0]]
# Init simulator
sim = robosim.VSS(
# Get dictionary with field parameters
field_params = sim.get_field_params()
# Get simulator state
# Units are meters, meters/s, degrees
# states is [ball_x, ball_y, ball_z, ball_v_x, ball_v_y,
# blue_0_x, blue_0_y, blue_0_angle, blue_0_v_x, blue_0_v_y, blue_0_v_angle,
# blue_1_x,...
# yellow_0_x, yellow_0_y, yellow_0_angle, yellow_0_v_x, yellow_0_v_y, yellow_0_v_angle,
# yellow_1_x,...]
# Step simulator
# arguments are actions to robots starting from blue robos and increasing ids
# e.g. [[blue_id_0.left_wheel_speed, blue_id_0.right_wheel_speed],
# [blue_id_1.left_wheel_speed, blue_id_1.right_wheel_speed],
# [yellow_id_0.left_wheel_speed, yellow_id_0.right_wheel_speed],
# [yellow_id_1.left_wheel_speed, yellow_id_1.right_wheel_speed]]
# Units are in rad/s
sim.step([[10.0, -10.0], [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]])
# Reset simulator, ball and robots are positioned with same argument format as init
sim.reset(ball_pos, blue_robots_pos, yellow_robots_pos)
import robosim
field_type = 2 # 0 for Division A, 1 for Division B, 2 Hardware Challenges
n_robots_blue = 2 # number of blue robots
n_robots_yellow = 2 # number of yellow robots
time_step_ms = 25 # time step in milliseconds
# ball initial position [x, y, v_x, v_y] in meters and meter/s
ball_pos = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
# robots initial positions [[x, y, angle], [x, y, angle]...], where [[id_0], [id_1]...]
# Units are meters and degrees
blue_robots_pos = [[-0.2, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.4, 0.0, 0.0]]
yellow_robots_pos = [[0.2, 0.0, 0.0], [0.4, 0.0, 0.0]]
# Init simulator
sim = robosim.SSL(
# Get dictionary with field parameters
field_params = sim.get_field_params()
# Get simulator state
# Units are meters, meters/s, degrees
# states is [ball_x, ball_y, ball_z, ball_v_x, ball_v_y,
# blue_0_x, blue_0_y, blue_0_angle, blue_0_v_x, blue_0_v_y, blue_0_v_angle,
# blue_0_infrared, blue_0_desired_wheel0_speed, blue_0_desired_wheel1_speed,
# blue_0_desired_wheel2_speed, blue_0_desired_wheel3_speed, ...]
# Step simulator
# arguments are actions to robots starting from blue robos and increasing ids
# e.g. [
# [blue_id_0.has_v_wheel,
# blue_id_0.wheel_0_speed or v_x, blue_id_0.wheel_1_speed or v_y, blue_id_0.wheel_2_speed or v_angle, blue_id_0.wheel_3_speed,
# blue_id_0.kick_v_x, blue_id_0.kick_v_y, blue_id_0.dribbler
# ],
# ...],
# Units are in rad/s, meters and meters/s and boolean
actions: List[List[float]] = [
[0.0 for _ in range(6)] for _ in range(n_robots_blue + n_robots_yellow)
# Reset simulator, ball and robots are positioned with same argument format as init
sim.reset(ball_pos, blue_robots_pos, yellow_robots_pos)