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Transoxiana Game Demo Is Now Open Source

Data managing

All classes defined in DataModel - RuntimeController

DataModel is what is used for serialization and saving.

It keeps all saving/serializable properties of the object and doesn't keep logic at all It also has a loader function, often - DataModel.toRuntime()

To build the generated JSON serializers use flutter pub run build_runner build

RuntimeController is the logic class.

It should always implement DataSourceRef to provide DataModel instance and GameRef a game reference

Also for reverse conversion, it should always have RuntimeController.toData() to save required changes to DataModel

For example:

UnitData.toRuntime() => Unit() Unit.toData() => UnitData()

Asset Processing

  1. Any changes to Province SVG assets need to be accompanied with an updated province-stubs.json file generated from the Adobe Illustrator exporter script.
  2. Any historical and gameplay related information (other than campaign_init.json data) must be added to historic-provinces.json.
  3. Once both of the above JSON files are up to date run flutter pub run assets_preprocessor which will create an updated province-generated.json and province-masks.json files which the game uses.
  4. To optimise SVG files and improve performance run the AssetProcessor workflow in Github Actions and merge the resulting pull request.

String Management

  1. Install this plugin for Android Studio - it is required for placeholder support in strings.
  2. Add a string you need to lib/l10n/intl_en_GB.arb, this is basically a JSON file. Keys should be camelCase; to create a placeholder, use {}, e.g. "logRangedKill": "{killerNation}'s {killerUnit} killed {killedNation}'s {killedUnit} by shooting them {location}"
  3. File -> Save All (or Ctrl + S on Windows). This is needed for the plugin to re-generate helper classes with placeholders.
  4. To use strings in code: S.of(context).logRangedKill(killerNation, killerUnit, killedNation, killedUnit, location) (if you have context, i.e. in widgets) OR S.current.logRangedKill(......) (if no context, i.e. from Flame components like unit, army etc.)
  5. Run game and string will be there.

Tutorial Management

To edit the tutorial content edit the .json files located in /lib/data/tutorials.

Any edits to configuration have to be run through a builder:

flutter pub run tutorial

Upon running the builder the resulting lib/data/tutorials/main_menu_tutorial_steps.g.dart file will have an error since it will generate as null-safe. To fix it add `` at the top of that file.

To edit the specific steps and their order look for tutorialService.setState usages. Currently the campaign tutorial is mainly loaded in campaign_tutorial_initializer.dart.


The tutorial system consists of the following key elements:

  • Steps: each step describes what triggers the this part of the tutorial (Actions), what UI this step provides (eg Next/Back/Close), what elements the step highlights (see Keys) and finally the text content of the tip.
  • Modes: The game has several tutorial modes (Main Menu, Campaign, Battle and Independent). Each mode has its set of Steps and an order in which they are played.
  • Actions: serializable identifier for the tutorial step that will determine when this step will be called. The builder will create the relevant functions from the .json files in data/tutorials, however the actions enums need to exist in package:tutorial/lib/src/data/data.dart.
  • Keys: GlobalKeys that are referenced by tutorial Steps. Keys need to be added to tutorial_settings/tutorial_keys.dart and the relevant widgets as well as the tutorial steps. They can further be referenced in the data/tutorials folder for the specific tutorial mode linking it with the Actions.
  • TutorialService: manages tutorial state and is accessed anywhere in code where you need to read or write tutorial Steps.
  • Overlay + FloatingTip: Actual UI elements that shades the screen (excluding the highlighted element) and displays a dialogue with the text content.

Tutorial Service - in memory state of all tutorial steps


  • keeps all actual steps inside game memory in unified format and instant access.
  • tutorial steps inside service have access to gameRef and because of that they can manage any functionality inside game.
  • independent from any json files - it makes easier to add steps dynamically and with dynamic content


  •              {key               : value}
  • all steps map -> {Tutorial Mode enum: TutorialMode}


  • has Tutorial Steps inside linked hash set to keep order of added steps and make no duplicates.
  • has keys map (optional) - it keeps links between enumAction as a key and globalkey as a value. Refills automatically from any new TutorialSteps.

Package - Tutorial - tools to build data and tutorial system for the game.


  • provides core models for tutorial
  • can build TutorialSteps with automatic serialisation/deserialisation
  • provides serialisation functions for data enums
  • it has no connection with TutorialService, so service actually using Tutorial package functions and models.

Why an independent package

  • easier to maintain with single responsibility principle
  • makes it possible to create special UI for any tutorial scenario development and save all information to json and then load when required.

Running & Building for Web

The web version of the app should be built in SKIA mode to work correctly.

To run:

flutter run -d Chrome --dart-define=FLUTTER_WEB_USE_SKIA=true

To build:

flutter build web --release --dart-define=FLUTTER_WEB_USE_SKIA=true

Web support is generally patchy as this version is primarily used for testing and demos.


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Open Source Transoxiana Game Demo







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