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Using the APIs

Renato edited this page Apr 12, 2023 · 1 revision

Geo Maps Content Block Config

{"query": "{ geoConfig { lat lng zoom } }"}

Geo Shapefiles

{"query": "{ geoShapefiles { id title description shapefile } }"}

{"query": "{ geoShapefiles(title: "String") { id title description shapefile } }"}

Geo Shapedatas

{"query": "{ geoShapedata { id data geom } }"}

{"query": "{ geoShapedata(name: ["String"]) { id data geom } }"}

Geo Scopes

{"query": "{ geoScope { id name { translation(locale: "en") } geom } }"}

{"query": "{ geoScope(name: ["String"]) { id name { translation(locale: "en") } geom } }"}