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Segmentation Labels and Colors

Mohamed E. Masoud edited this page Jul 9, 2023 · 3 revisions

Optionally two additional JSON files can be added to brainchop: labels.json file to annotate the output labels and the colorLUT.json file to apply customized colors to the segmentation regions.

The schema of the labels.json file can be such as:

                        {"0": "background", "1": "Grey Matter", "2": "White Matter"}

The object keys “0”, “1” and “2” must be numbers that represent expected labels resulting from the inference model, and the values are the associated annotations for each key.

For colorLUT.json file, it is another optional file with the following schema:

                        {"0": "rgb(0,0,0)", "1": "rgb(0,255,0)", "2": "rgb(0,0,255)"}

Where the JSON keys must be numbers that represent the segmentation labels, and the value represents the color associated with that label in RGB format. The above files can be loaded using the model browsing option from the model list.

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