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problems possible errata

Martin Ruefenacht edited this page Mar 18, 2020 · 16 revisions


  • MPI_Status_set_cancelled

    • flag parameter, lis:in, c:in, f08:out
    • Still need to decide what to do here
  • MPI_Neighbor_alltoallw_init displ[] is using wrong KIND, it is always MPI_Aint

  • Errata, MPI_Pack, outsize should have been an MPI_Aint, but is an int. position, should have been an MPI_Aint, but is an int. @Dan Holmes Why did you want to embiggen position to MPI_Count, isnot MPI_Aint good enough?

  • MPI_Pack_external, MPI_Unpack_external, same question as above, why make the position parameter a MPI_Count from MPI_Aint? The LOCATION kind is already an MPI_Aint.

  • Errata, MPI_Get_type_size, size should have been MPI_Aint, but is int.

  • Errata, MPI_Unpack, insize should have been an MPI_Aint, but is int. position should have been MPI_Aint, but it is int. @Dan Holmes Why did you want to convert (int, MPI_Aint) -> MPI_Count for embiggening? Same as above.

  • Errata, MPI_Pack_size, size should have been MPI_Aint, but is int. Embiggened to an MPI_Count.

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