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Jeff Squyres edited this page Mar 18, 2020 · 3 revisions

2020-03-18 meeting minutes


  • Jeff Squyres
  • Martin Rüefenacht
  • Dan Holmes
  • Tony Skjellum


Wow. It's real. Sucks.

Cache-refresh on pythonization.

Martin to work on fixing the conflicts in


We looked for the errata that we want to file.


There's also a bunch of "to do" items -- logistics and mechanical stuff.


Tony suggests that we need to have someone look at the IO chapter to verify the embiggening. --> Tony sends email to Rajeev.

Re-iterating the rationale about all the confusion with datatype constructors:

In general, datatypes have three uses:

  1. MPI_Aint used as number of bytes. You're using MPI_Aint simply as a large number.
  2. MPI_Aint used as an absolute address. Then MPI_Aint is a bit string that represents a location in memory.
  3. With MPI_Files, so you're potentially addressing something bigger than memory.

Bottom line: MPI doesn't necessarily know at construction/commit time whether you're in case 1 or case 2 because it depends on whether you use MPI_BOTTOM with the constructed datatype or not.

When embiggening:

  1. Keep the old signature for backwards compat reasons (may be int, may be MPI_Aint, ... etc.)
  2. If relevant, embiggen to MPI_Aint for use case 2 (i.e., absolute addresses)
  3. If relevant, embiggen to MPI_Count for use case 3 (i.e., files)

Today, embiggening has only resulted in 2 bindings (cases 1 and 2 or cases 1 and 3). We have not (yet?) found a case where embiggening resulted in 3 bindings (cases 1, 2, and 3).

Still want to talk about for the future

Didn't talk about these today:

  1. Making official machine-readable file(s) from Python to publish on
    • Python?
    • JSON?
    • mpi.h / mpif.h / mpi module / mpi_f08 module
    • ...?
  2. Continuous integration with Pythonization
    • Pytest
    • Generate a list of changed / added / deleted bindings per PR
    • ...
  3. All the "to do" items
  4. MPI-5 things -- all-new language stuff (C++, divorce 1:1 relationship to C bindings, ...etc.)
    • Remember: there are several people who want to be involved in these discussions (e.g., Jeff H., Lisandro D., ...etc.).

Next meeting

Back to weekly meetings? Yes.

Can we do 8:30am US Eastern on Wednesdays? Seems like we can. Jeff will update the calendar invite.