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Jeff Squyres edited this page Oct 16, 2019 · 3 revisions

2019-10-16 meeting minutes


  • Jeff Squyres
  • Puri Bangalore
  • Martin Rüefenacht
  • Tony Skjellum

Goals for next week

  1. Number 1 priority is to finish the Pythonizing of the bindings.

    • See notes from last week for more details about Pythonizing
    • Progress was made this last week
    • Jeff's goal for this weekend:
      • Last even chapter
    • Write up instructions (probably on a wiki?) for how to Pythonize - for chapter authors * Dan / Puri will check out these instructions and try to Pythonize one or more bindings according to these instructions, and provide feedback on the instructions.
    • Time permitting, check Dan's comments on the PR
    • Time permitting, any odd chapter that is not yet done
    • Martin's goal for this week:
      • Regression tool
    • Odd chapters
  2. Number 2 priority is to finish the text changes for BigCount.

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