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Macro and Parameter Reference

Graham Reeds edited this page Sep 6, 2016 · 1 revision


SUITE(Name): Organizes your tests into suites (groups). Tests can be added to suites across multiple test source files. A suite serves as a namespace for test names, so that the same test name can be used in two difference contexts.


   // tests go here


TEST(Name): Creates a single test case. All checks in a test will be run using the standard runners, unless an exception is thrown or an early return is introduced.

   // checks go here

TEST_FIXTURE(FixtureClass, TestName): Creates a single test case using a fixture. The FixtureClass is default instantiated before the test is run, then the test runs with access to anything public or protected in the fixture. Useful for sharing setup / teardown code.

class MyFixture
   MyFixture() { /* setup goes here */ }
   ~MyFixture() { /* teardown goes here */ }

TEST_FIXTURE(MyFixture, MyFixtureTest)
   // checks go here


CHECK(statement): Verifies the statement evaluates to true (not necessary boolean true / false).

CHECK(true); // passes
CHECK(1 == 2); // fails
CHECK(0); // fails

CHECK_EQUAL(expected, actual): Verifies that the actual value matches the expected. Note that conversions can occur. Requires operator== for the types of expected and actual, and requires the ability for both types to be streamed to UnitTest::MemoryOutStream using operator<<.

CHECK_EQUAL(1, 1); // passes
CHECK_EQUAL("123", std::string("123")); //passes
CHECK_EQUAL((1.0 / 40.0), 0.025000000000000001); // passes... wait what? be careful with floating point types!

CHECK_CLOSE(expected, actual, tolerance): Verifies that the actual value is within +/- tolerance of the expected value. This has the same requirements of the types involved as CHECK_EQUAL.

CHECK_CLOSE(0.025000000000000002, (1.0 / 40.0), 0.000000000000000001); // passes
CHECK_CLOSE(0.025, (1.0 / 40.0), 0.000000000000000001); // also passes
CHECK_CLOSE(0.025000000000000020, (1.0 / 40.0), 0.000000000000000001); // fails

CHECK_THROW(expression, ExpectedExceptionType): Verifies that the expression throws an exception that is polymorphically of the ExpectedExceptionType.

CHECK_ARRAY_EQUAL(expected, actual, count): Like CHECK_EQUAL, but for arrays and containers that support random access (operator[]). count is the number of items in the array.

CHECK_ARRAY_CLOSE(expected, actual, count, tolerance): Like CHECK_CLOSE, but for arrays and containers that support random access (operator[]). count is the number of items in the array.

CHECK_ARRAY2D_CLOSE(expected, actual, rows, columns, tolerance): Like CHECK_ARRAY_CLOSE but for two-dimensional arrays.


REQUIRE: Requires the following CHECK or block of CHECK statements to pass, ending the test early if one does not.

REQUIRE CHECK(!container.empty()); // test fails and ends here if container is empty

CHECK_EQUAL(2, *container.begin()); // check only runs if container is not empty
   CHECK(pointer1);  // test fails and ends here if pointer1 is null
   CHECK(pointer2);  // test fails and ends here if pointer2 is null

CHECK_EQUAL(*pointer1, *pointer2); // check only runs if both pointers are non-null

UNITTEST_TIME_CONSTRAINT: Fail a test if it takes too long to complete. They come in two flavors; local and global time constraints.

Local time constraints are limited to the current scope, like so:

   // Lengthy setup...
      UNITTEST_TIME_CONSTRAINT(50);  // Local time constraint (in milliseconds)
      // Do time-critical stuff
   // Lengthy teardown...

A global time constraint requires that all of the tests in a test run are faster than a specified amount of time. This will cause UnitTest++ to fail it entirely if any test exceeds the global constraint. The max time is passed as a parameter to an overload of RunAllTests().

UNITTEST_TIME_CONSTRAINT_EXEMPT: If you want to use a global time constraint, but have one test that is notoriously slow, you can exempt it from inspection by using the UNITTEST_TIME_CONSTRAINT_EXEMPT macro anywhere inside the test body.

   // Oh boy, this is going to take a while

Test runners

The RunAllTests() function has an overload that lets you customize the behaviour of the runner, such as global time constraints, custom reporters, which suite to run, etc.

int RunAllTests(TestReporter& reporter, TestList const& list, char const* suiteName, int const maxTestTimeInMs);

If you attempt to pass custom parameters to RunAllTests(), note that the list parameter should have the value Test::GetTestList().

The parameterless RunAllTests() is a simple wrapper for this one, with sensible defaults.