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Building Using CMake

Patrick Johnmeyer edited this page Apr 25, 2015 · 1 revision

While there are some bundled makefiles and projects, UnitTest++ is primarily built and supported using CMake. This guide assumes you have already downloaded and installed CMake, and that you have already downloaded the UnitTest++ source.

In Two Easy Steps

Once you've obtained the UnitTest++ source, you can use the empty 'builds' folder as a place to put your cmake-generated project files. The valid "generators" differ per platform; you can run cmake --help to see which ones are supported on your platform.

cd path/to/unittest-cpp/builds
cmake -G "<Choose a valid generator>" ../
cmake --build ./

This will build the library and the self-tests, and also run the self-tests.

Then, if you already understand what CMake does (or are just reckless), and you'd like to run the install step:

cmake --build ./ --target install

This will install the headers and built libs to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. Note this might require a sudo in *nix or an Administrative Command Prompt on Windows depending on your system configuration.