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Manvendra Bhangui edited this page Sep 4, 2022 · 1 revision


vfstab - Filesystem balancing Utility


vfstab -d | -i | -l | -u | -o | -n user_quota -q size_quota -m mdaHost Filesystem

vfstab -s [-m mdaHost]

vfstab -b


vfstab is a utility for maintaining the FSTAB table. The FSTAB table maintains the filesystems which can be used for serving the user mailboxes. Normally when creating an user account (vadduser), the environment variable BASE_PATH is used. This however is not optimal when having multiple filesystems. In such case, the administrator can use the -b option in vadduser to distribute the users across multiple filesystems, taking into account the load of the different filesystems. The load factor is computed by running vfstab with -b option periodically through cron(1).


Sets verbose option

**-d **
Delete local/remote file system

Insert local/remote file system

Update local/remote file system

Make local/remote file system offline/online

Add local file system. If -n and -q options are not given, the values user_quota and size_quota are automatically calculated from the free disk space available and by assuming an average size of the mailbox to be the value of the environment variable AVG_USER_QUOTA

Max number of users to be added on this file system.

Max size of file system

Mailstore. The hostid of mailstore on which the user's mailbox lie.

Show filesystems configured in FSTAB table. If -m option is given, displays the file system only for the specified Mail Delivery Host.

Balance filesystems by computing load.

Name of a valid file system.


Returns 0 for success, 1 for any failure.

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