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Manvendra Bhangui edited this page Feb 25, 2024 · 3 revisions


822header - print the header of a mail message


822header [ -X field -I field ] where field is an email header name


822header reads an 822-format mail message from its standard input, and prints the header of the message.

Under 822, the header is terminated by the end of the message or by a blank line. 822header also ends the header if it sees a line that cannot be part of a valid header field. If neither -X or -I option are given, 822header prints all the header fields in the message.

The -X option causes 822header to exclude the specified field. Multiple -X options can be given.

The -I option causes 822header to print only the specified field. Multiple -I options can be given.

Note that the UUCP-style From_ line placed before a message in an mbox file is not part of the message.


822field(1), mbox(5),

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