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Jalal Hannan edited this page Apr 20, 2023 · 2 revisions

Below are some commonly used terms in HUMAN protocol.

Task - The smallest unit of work, e.g A single image bounding box

Job - A collection of tasks

Job Launcher - An application that creates and deploys jobs onto the network.

Operator - The person or organization who is running the Job Launcher, Exchange Oracle, Recording Oracle.

Escrow Factory - A smart contract that generates new instances of the HMT Escrow Contract

HMT Escrow Contract - Represents an actual Job on the network. It will normally hold an amount of HMT and a link to a manifest file which contains Job-specific data.

Manifest File - A JSON document that contains URL links to the Job data, addresses of Recording, Reputation, Exchange Oracles and other Job-specific data.

Exchange Oracle - An oracle that distributes tasks to Workers

Recording Oracle - An oracle which records Worker output, and which Worker does what.

Reputation Oracle - An Ethereum oracle which pays Workers for the Jobs performed, based on their reputation within the oracle network. Typically, the Reputation Oracle collects all the responses from the Recording Oracle and pays out the Worker and the Recording Oracle.

Requester - The entity/person who wants some work performed.

Worker - The entity/person who performs the actual work.

Routing Layer - The layer within HUMAN which is responsible for routing jobs to a specific chain within the execution layer.

Execution Layer - The layer within the network which is responsible for fulfilling jobs. Consists of multiple chains (Polygon, Moonbeam, SKALE etc.)

Endpoint - A GraphQL point that points to a subgraph created on The Graph

The Graph - An indexing protocol for organizing blockchain data and making it easily accessible with GraphQL.

Subgraph - Defines which data The Graph will index from a blockchain, and how it will store it.

Routing metrics - The metric or metrics that are used to determine the execution chain

Staking/stake - The process of Operators committing a mandatory amount of HMT (the stake) to partake in the network.

Slashing - A mechanism to discourage misbehavior. Each Operator must stake an amount of HMT before being allowed to submit jobs onto the network. This staked amount acts as a security collateral, which in the case of misbehavior will be deducted by an amount to be determined soon.

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