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Releases: foundryvtt/crucible

Crucible 0.6.1

28 Sep 19:14
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Rules Changes

  • Allow Balanced (1h) weapons to be wielded in the off-hand.
  • Allow restoration actions (like Life Rune spells) to self-target when using a single-target gesture.
  • Increase the minimum range on Gesture: Arrow to 1ft which prevents it being used to target yourself or enemies overlapping your grid space.
  • Correct the attributes of the provided Gesture: Create summons.
  • Add Taxonomies for Fire/Frost/Storm/Earth elementals to the compendium

Bug Fixes

  • Resolve an issue which prevented action confirmation from fully resolving if there was not an active Combat encounter.
  • Corrected tagged core version on the playtest adventure to avoid a harmless migration warning
  • Overlapping tokens no longer generate an error when testing linear range.
  • Tag V13 as verified compatible in anticipation of upcoming prototype testing.
  • Assorted rules text corrections and clarifications.
  • When cloning a single action, we need to run through "prepareActions" actor hooks on the clone
  • Correct localization tags for Archetype and Taxonomy tooltips.
  • Fix some bugs related to updating or deleting a token who was orphaned by having their linked Actor previously deleted.
  • Slow down the visualization of Token movement speed based on the Actor's Stride attribute.
  • Remove stray Scene Region and Light Source from the arena scene.
  • Correct automatic assignment of prototype token settings when a new Actor is created.
  • Fix a bug which caused custom Ancestry ability scores before resistances throws errors when configuring resistances.


  • Thanks to danielrab for submitted bug fixes

Crucible 0.6.0

27 Sep 16:51
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Crucible version 0.6.0 adds a huge number of new features to the system including, but not limited to:

  • Foundry VTT version 12+ compatibility
  • An expanded Talent web
  • Iconic Spells as an extension of the spellcraft system
  • Action economy overhaul which moves to a 6A base system
  • Movement and range overhaul using a 1 foot grid
  • Comprehensive UI redesign with all system apps and sheets migrated to the new ApplicationV2 framework
  • Way more, way too much to list

Crucible is still in the Alpha stage of development, which means there will be bugs, typos, documentation inconsistencies, and a general level of incompleteness that should be expected with a pre-release game system.

Crucible 0.5.9

24 Sep 18:50
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This incremental release for Crucible Playtest One adds an exciting new feature for Action Creation which allows for Talents to have actions configured and edited directly via the UI in a user-friendly manner.

I had intended for this feature to be included as part of Crucible Playtest Two, but development of Playtest Two is taking a while because some of the system changes are significant and I need more time than expected to make sure my ideas are working well. So in the mean-time, I decided to release this feature on its own to make it easy for all of you to create custom Talents!

Software UI/UX

  • Improved Talent editing and Action creation experience with new user-friendly applications. When configuring a talent, add, edit, or remove Actions.
  • Add support for Equipment Provided Actions which allows weapons or armor to include special Actions which are available to use for any character which has that item equipped.
  • For each Action, configure its Usage, Target, active Effects, or action Hooks which allow for custom behaviors.
  • Improve the visual presentation of certain form groups using fieldsets.

Crucible 0.5.8

09 Jul 20:32
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The Crucible 0.5.8 release makes Playtest One available publicly to all Foundry Virtual Tabletop users!


  • The Blinded condition now inflicts two banes on attack rolls in addition to penalties to vision and detection.
  • Damage multiplier is capped at 1 when overflow is negative. Tags like deadly do not apply when the overflow amount is less than zero.
  • Added the new Projectile (1h) weapon category with example weapons including Sling and Dart Gun.


  • Convert on-critical damage effects to use the Actor Hooks system with the new actor hook applyCriticalEffects which allows individual talents to define critical-hit behaviors. Convert all existing on-critical talents to use this improved system.
  • Long lists of tags will now more appropriately wrap for visual clarity.
  • Allow creating a hotbar macro for a spell which can then be automatically composed from the macro data.
  • Convert code to use the global SYSTEM constants object rather than individual SYSTEM imports.


  • New talent Focused Anticipation (intdex2) awards +1 Focus each round of combat that you win Initiative.
  • New talent Shield Ward (tou2b) allows performing spells which use the Ward gesture ignoring the free-hand requirement for casting.
  • Battle Focus no longer triggers on incapacitation of enemies, only on critical hits which deal damage to Health or Morale.
  • Blood Frenzy only triggers on critical hits which deal damage to Health.
  • The Poisoner signature talent clarifies that it requires a melee attack which deals slashing or piercing damage.
  • The Bloodletter talent now correctly requires dealing damage to Health to apply.
  • The Bull Rush talent now references the Pathfinding skill and properly inflicts the Prone condition on success.
  • Ruthless Momentum now correctly performs one two-handed attack at a cost of -1AP when the triggering condition is met.
  • Dirty Tricks now involves a Deception skill attack against the Reflex defense instead of a mainhand weapon attack and costs 1 Action and 1 Focus to perform.
  • Correct the Adversary Pack Hunter talent to add an additional boon against flanked targets.
  • Fix a bug with the active effect applied by the Clarify Intent talent which was breaking application of boons.
  • Correct the Salvo action from the Pistoleer signature talent to correctly fire 3 times.
  • The Shield Training talent now automatically applies +1 Bane to ranged attacks.
  • The Arcane Archer signature now allows spells using the Arrow gesture to be cast without an available free hand while a ranged weapon is equipped.

Bug Fixes

  • Restore the damage bonus provided by the Empowered action tag which was not properly applying to increase action damage.
  • Restore correct JB2A animation path resolution for melee weapons.
  • Remove expired or expiring active effects when using the Recover action outside of combat.
  • Fix a UI bug with grimoire tooltips breaking the sheet layout.


  • Correct language regarding the number of talent points that characters get to spend at character creation.

Playtest One

  • Restore (again) the special talents that Hammer and Anvil should have.
  • Correct the configuration of Hammer's Work the Metal talent to ensure it once again properly attacks 4 times against the grappled target.

Crucible 0.5.7

02 Jul 21:21
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Rules Changes

  • Adjusted the scaling factors used for Elite level enemies to round up in threat level rather than rounding down. For example, now a Level 3 Elite (1.5 threat multiplier) rounds up to Threat Level 5 rather than Threat Level 4 (as before). As a consequence of this change Hammer and Anvil (Playtest Day 2) are somewhat more dangerous.
  • The Flanked condition now only applies boons for melee attacks rather than applying to both melee and ranged attacks. The stakes are higher for combatants engaged in melee.
  • The Prone condition is reduced in effectiveness to add +1 Boon for melee attacks and +1 Bane for ranged attacks against the target. You are no longer limited to moving only 1 space when performing a Move action to return to your feet from Prone.
  • Added built-in support for Disengagement Strike which can be performed in combat outside of your own turn (as a reaction). Disengagement Strike now costs zero action and 1 Focus point. Playtesting and feedback has revealed that disengagement strikes are almost never used and the new balance changes to flanking rules make it more simple to implement this change without it being a balance concern. To simplify understanding of the conditional requirements for performing a Disengagement Attack the rules are rewritten such that you can perform a Disengagement Attack as long as you are not Unaware or Flanked.
  • Maximum Wounds is reduced to 1.5 times Health.
  • Maximum Madness is reduced to 1.5 times Morale.


  • Rework and redesign the way that effect duration is declared and tracked. The system now uses the following conventions:
    • Effects with duration expressed in rounds expire at the start of the Actor's next turn.
    • Effects with duration expressed in turns expires at the end of the Actor's next turn.
      Additionally, the start round of an effect is automatically adjusted if the effect is applied to a combatant earlier in the turn order. This improvement depends on a bug fix that will not be available until the next V11 software release.
      Together, these standardizations allow for simplification of logic and removes an issue where, due to rerolling of initiative each round, certain effects could apply more times than intended.
  • Automate and enforce the requirement that you must have a certain number of free hands available to perform a Spellcraft gesture.
  • Add support for dragging and dropping an Action from an Actor Sheet onto the Hotbar to create a Macro to quickly use that Action. The created Macro can be used by any controlled token which has that Action.
  • Rework and improve the Actor#equipWeapon and Actor#equipArmor methods to have a better API and more reliable workflow.


  • Allow weapons in the Talisman 1h category to be equipped in either mainhand or offhand slot. Previously 1h talismans were offhand-only.


  • The angle of effect of the fan target type (used by actions like Cleave or spells with Gesture: Fan) is increased from 160 to 210 to make this AOE attack more useful given it's short range.
  • Correctly allow actions with the target type blast to specify a blast radius in addition to a maximum distance.
  • The Heavy action tag which requires use of a Strength-scaling weapon has been renamed to Brute to disambiguate with the heavy weapon category which is not required.
  • Add the multiple property (optional) to the Action target schema which supports differentiating multiple attacks against a single target vs. a single attack against multiple targets.


  • Add the new Swipe talent which can be used to hit 2 adjacent enemies using a heavy two-handed weapon.
  • Add the new Thread the Needle talent which enables making a ranged weapon strike which gains boons from Flanking just as a melee attack would.
  • Correct the tags of Ruthless Momentum so that it correctly only costs 1AP with the prerequisite that it can only be used after killing an enemy.
  • Correct the automation of Inspire Heroism to ensure it adds tracked boons to rolls.
  • Inspire Heroism has its area of effect reduced from pulse 3 to pulse 2.
  • The Weak Points talent is moved to dex1a and is now automated to apply its damage bonus automatically when the appropriate conditions are met.
  • Mark Prey now has a duration of 3 Turns instead of unlimited duration.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a bug which prevented right-click panning the canvas due to MouseInteractionManager changes in core v11.304.
  • Fix a bug which could result in an offhand item being unable to be equipped even if the offhand slot was open.
  • Damage over time from Poisoned Blades now only apply to critical hits from actions with the melee tag.

Playtest One

  • Orivech now has the Iramancer talent enabling him to cast spells while Enraged.
  • Restore the custom talents which were incorrectly stripped from Hammer and Anvil during a previous playtest release.
  • Anvil's Hammer Toss now has maximum distance of 6 spaces.

Crucible 0.5.6

25 Jun 17:03
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Crucible 0.5.6 Pre-release

Balance Changes

  • Automatic progression of Skill bonus for natural weapons has been adjusted to increase every 4 levels starting at level 3.


  • Added the new Shield Training talent at node tou0b. You are trained in the techniques of using a shield for defense and attack. All Ranged weapon attacks against you are made with +1 Bane and you gain a +1 Skill bonus to attacks which use your shield.
  • You are no longer (incorrectly) limited in using Shield Bash only once per turn, provided you have sufficient action to use it multiple times. Improve the clarification that Shield Bash must be used immediately following a basic Strike.
  • Improve the description of Ruthless Momentum to make clear that the attack is performed at reduced action cost.
  • Ensure the Seasoned Veteran talent correctly increases Engagement by +1.

Bug Fixes

  • Correct an issue with action auto-confirmation that was preventing the GM from auto-confirming an action once its chat message was created.
  • Automatically grant Ownership permission to users when creating the Actor for a summoned creature.
  • Correct a bug which prevented the last cast spell from being recorded as a shortcut action in some circumstances.
  • Fix a bug with the "identify friend or foe" logic for AOE template spells, ensuring that enemies or allies are targeted depending on whether the rune used applies restoration.
  • Correct a flaw in the logic about which weapons can be equipped in which equipment slots to prevent shield items from being equipped in the "mainhand" slot.
  • The Arcane Archer signature talent can extend the range of Gesture: Arrow is the caster's weapon range exceeds the normal spell range (for example using a Longbow). Otherwise the Arrow gesture does not require a ranged weapon and has a maximum distance of 10.
  • Fix a bug which allowed an invalid tag in an action to break character sheet rendering.
  • Corrected the hint string on the Archetype abilities section to indicate that higher scores advance more frequently and that each score has a maximum possible value of 8.
  • Correct a bug which failed to deactivate template placement right-click events, causing sheets to be auto-maximized when panning the canvas.
  • Correct Lesser Regeneration to only apply if the actor is not Weakened. Correct the text description to reflect this.
  • Correct a bug with Cadence which threw an error due to an invalid weapon reference.
  • Ensure that players with ownership permission over a custom Background or Archetype can add talents to it via drag-and-drop.


  • Improve the Dice So Nice integration to delay action auto-confirmation until after dice roll animation has completed.

Playtest One

  • Added the True Grit talent to both Hammer and Anvil.
  • Remove the exposing tag from Koy Rent's Ferocious Howl ability.
  • The Harbinger of Madness' Devour Thoughts ability now correctly does psychic damage.

Crucible 0.5.5

24 Jun 20:09
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Crucible 0.5.5 Pre-release

The main focus on this update is:

  1. Re-balance of ranged weapon action economy, damage, and talents.
  2. Revise the way that boons/banes are stored as part of action and roll data to track more granular information about the sources of boons.
  3. Render information about the sources of boons in action use dialogs and chat cards.


  • Precision Shot has been rebalanced to be both Accurate and Deadly. This combines the functionality of precision shot with Sniper Shot.
  • The Sniper Shot talent has been removed as it was under-utilized and redundant with the functionality of Precision Shot.
  • Fan of Arrows is reduced in AP cost to +1AP and now requires the projectile tag (cannot be used with mechanical weapons).
  • Corrected the description of Rapid Reload to clarify that it instantly reloads a mechanical weapon at the cost of 1 Focus.
  • Mark Prey now only costs 1 Focus with no additional Action cost on top of your weapon's Strike cost.
  • Pinning Shot now costs 1 Focus instead of +1AP and has the difficult tag.
  • Added the new Twinned Shot talent which replaces Sniper Shot in dex1b which prepares and fires two shots using a projectile weapon at a single target.
  • Added a new Penetrating Shot talent at node dex1b which fires a special shot from a Mechanical weapon which deals weakened damage to all enemies in a direct line.
  • Backstab has moved to intdex1 and now costs 1 Focus with no action cost. Backstab can only be used against a Flanked target, but gains the deadly tag.
  • Feinting Strike now costs 1 Focus with no additional action point cost and gains the accurate tag.
  • Clarify that Evasive Shot allows for 1 space of cautious movement.
  • Spells using Gesture: Arrow now automatically inherit the maximum range of the caster's equipped main-hand weapon.


  • Added a new Action Tag projectile which requires a projectile weapon to be equipped to use the action.
  • Action target.distance is now optional and will be auto-populated by the range of your equipped weapon for weapon attack actions.


  • 2-handed Projectile weapons (for example, bows) are increased to 2AP strike cost with 10 base damage. Several talents which are designed for ranged weaponry have been re-balanced accordingly.
  • 2-handed Mechanical weapons (for example crossbows) have their base damage reduced from 12 to 10.
  • The Longbow no longer has the Oversized trait.
  • The Shortbow now has the Reliable trait.


  • Add an automatic talent data synchronization workflow which runs when a GM user first connects to the world which compares the last-modified system version of each Actor with the current game system version. For Actors which lag behind current, automatically synchronize their talents with talent data from the compendium pack.
  • The Action Usage Dialog has been redesigned to use Crucible system stylings and to report the sources of banes and boons that apply to the role. Note that - at least for now - only banes or boons which are not target-specific are reported here. Banes and boons which are target-specific are not applied to the action usage until later.
  • The dice roll dialog sheet now disables the add/subtract bane/boon buttons if you are unable to add more to the pool.
  • Redesign the underlying data storage of boons and banes inside StandardCheck data to persist an object of boon and bane data instead of only a number. This software change is prerequisite to displaying more informative data about the sources of boons/banes applied to a Roll.

Playtest One

  • The Skeletal Archer minions in the Day 3 trial no longer have the Precision Shot talent and instead will simply use a basic Strike attack.

Crucible 0.5.4

19 Jun 14:53
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Crucible 0.5.4 Pre-release

Rule Changes

  • Incapacitation has been changed. The concept still exists in the system, but it is no longer a condition that is applied at 0 Health. Instead, at zero Health a character gains the Weakened condition. While a creature is Weakened, it suffers -1 to maximum Action, loses access to a free Movement action, and suffers an additional 2 Vulnerability to any Morale damage sustained.
  • The Broken condition has been reworked for parity with the new Weakened condition. While a creature is Broken it cannot expend Focus, actions it takes suffer from +2 Banes, and it suffers an additional 2 Vulnerability to any Health damage sustained.
  • An attack which is now fully defended by Armor is referenced as Armor as the action result. An attack which is only partially defended by Armor is referenced as a Glance. As a consequence of this change, actions posted to chat before this update may no longer report their correct outcome states.
  • The Katana weapon type is configured to do Slashing damage (as intended) rather than Piercing (a bug).
  • The rules for Flanking have been changed to incorporate adjacent Allies as providing a bonus to Engagement. The initial implementation of Flanking resulted in a situation where for in combats with many allies or enemies, everyone ended up flanking everyone else. As a consequence, bonuses from Flanking became too commonplace and did not require sufficiently strategic movement and positioning in order to accomplish. The revised implementation of Flanking takes into consideration adjacent allies - which contribute their own Engagement score towards your ability to withstand enemies that you are mutually engaged with. Since adjacent allies now reduce the extent to which you are flanked, it is beneficial to team up and fight in formation - but watch out for AOE damage!
  • The calculation for maximum Focus has been changed to remove level as a contributing input. The new maximum Focus formula is simplified to (Wisdom + Presence + Intellect) / 2. This generally results in slightly lower Focus for physically-oriented characters with mostly unchanged Focus for mentally-oriented characters. Please note, I know that many testers want Focus pools to be larger - while this change does not accomplish that, there will be additional changes coming to add new talents geared towards pure spellcasters that will increase Focus capacity.
  • The Pulse gesture now generates a square template centered on the acting Token that affects every adjacent square rather than a circular template that produced inconsistent results, sometimes missing targets which were adjacent.


  • Added an automation framework to support summoning abilities. This now supports Gesture: Create which will automatically create the summoned creature via a template placement workflow. The summoned creature will be automatically configured, leveled to the correct level, and added to combat initiative.
  • Improve the design and automation of the Body Block reaction which now is self-target and automatically converts an unconfirmed attack against you which either was defended by Armor or as a Glance into a Block instead.
  • Reworked the Runewarden signature talent to provide a passive bonus to Resistances equal to half your Wisdom. The bonus provided by your Ward gesture also changes to half your Wisdom instead of doubling. Added missing automation for this additional bonus when using the Ward gesture.
  • Clarify Intent has been rebalanced. It now costs 2A and restores +1 Focus if successful but also grants the target +1 Boon to actions taken for the round.
  • Counter-Strike description corrected to remove mention to "empowered", which is not a tag featured on this action.
  • Correct the Influence gesture which was incorrectly scaling with Wisdom instead of Presence.
  • Add the missing "Two-Handed" tag to the Ruthless Momentum talent.
  • Correct Rune: Stasis to prompt the user for a choice of physical damage types similar to Kinesis and correct a bug which prevented Stasis spells from correctly dealing morale damage.
  • Corrected the ability score scaling of several on-critical rune effects, each of which now scales (as intended) with the Ability score corresponding to that particular rune. Affected talents are Necromancer, Mesmer, Lightbringer, Voidcaller, Rimecaller, and Dustbringer.
  • Gesture: Strike now benefits from bonuses to weapon damage which affect your mainhand weapon.
  • Add automation for the Iramancer talent which now correctly allows expending Focus while Enraged.

Bug Fixes

  • Correct the Engagement box for large sized creatures.
  • Improve hit detection to consider a hit box for all tokens instead of only the token center point. The hit box is equal to the Token bounds minus half the grid size in all directions.
  • Statuses like Exposed, Flanked, Guarded, and Prone no longer apply boons or banes to restorative abilities.
  • Fix a bug with the context tags applied to spells cast via the Spell Cast Configuration dialog to correctly only display the actual components used for the chosen spell instead of all potential components.
  • Improve the way that Spells are prepared to ensure that you are prevented from casting a spell which you do not have sufficient resources to perform.
  • Restoration (healing) is no longer incorrectly mitigated or amplified by Resistance or Vulnerability.
  • Confirm that a requested animation path exists in the JB2A database before attempting animation to avoid breaking action confirmation if the requested asset paths do not exist.
  • Correct the extensions on Constantia fonts to be .ttf (lowercase) instead of .TTF (uppercase).
  • When changing the components of a Spell, reset any configured target template to prompt the user to place a new one.
  • Fix the bug which prevented adding new Actor Hooks for a Talent which did not have any previously configured.
  • Address a bug which incorrectly triggered start of turn action events when adding or removing Combatants from the tracker. This bug is not yet fixed as the resolution depends on an update to the core Foundry VTT v11 code. A change made on the Crucible side means that this bug will be fixed as soon as foundryvtt/foundryvtt#9641 is implemented.
  • Refactor the Background and Archetype sheets to simplify the way that included Talents are rendered and prevent the ability to remove included talents if the document is not editable.
  • Correctly block purchasing a second Signature talent from the same Node.
  • Fix a bug which failed to compute flanking engagement for Tokens whose actors had been deleted.
  • Implement a workaround to support the JB2A Katana animation path.
  • Only update flanking when Token properties change which require re-assessing flanking rules.
  • Correct a bug which failed to prevent spending Focus while Enraged.

UI/UX/Software Improvements

  • The Strike action is now automatically annotated as either melee, ranged, mainhand, or twohand depending on the nature of the actor's equipped weaponry.
  • AOE target specification can now include the limit field which limits the number of targets effected to a maximum number within the area of effect. Targets are sorted based on proximity to the template origin and the closest targets are affected up to the allowed limit.
  • Improve the clarity of syntax used to annotate target tags. The number of attacks comes first, followed by the target type, followed by a maximum distance or target limit if applicable.
  • Improve the logic used to determine whether self-target status effects are applied for an action which imposes effects on both the initial user and some other target.
  • Redesign the software framework for weapon attack actions to increase parity and consistency of workflows with spell and skill attacks.
  • Allow much finer snapping precision when placing ray templates which now snap at 3 degree increments rather than 15 degree increments.

Playtest One

  • The Baisaz Tusk Charge ability is now limited to only affect the closest target in the template path.
  • Anvil's Grabby Hands ability will now correctly only apply the status effect on himself if the attack action is successful.


  • Fix documentation that Heavy armor does not allow a free Move action, rather than this being disallowed by the Bulky trait. The Bulky trait imposes 2 Banes to Initiative rolls.
  • Update Combat -> Movement -> Engagement and Flanking to cover new Flanking calculation.
  • Correct a number of typographical or grammatical errors.

Crucible 0.5.3

12 Jun 01:09
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Crucible 0.5.3 Pre-release


Improved the game system setting for Action Auto-Confirmation to now support multiple confirmation modes:

  • No Auto-Confirmation. All actions must be confirmed manually by pressing the chat card Confirm button or using the Confirm hotkey.
  • Self-Target Actions Only. Auto-confirm actions which affect only the acting character like Move or Defend. Require confirmation for actions which affect others.
  • Auto-Confirm All Actions. All actions are immediately auto-confirmed. You can manually reverse an action which was applied incorrectly.

Bug Fixes

  • Correct a bug with Adversary ability score scaling which caused adversaries to all have 1 additional Ability point than intended. For example a level 1 adversary with balanced scaling would start with 19 ability points total instead of the intended 18.
  • Resolve a display issue with non-physical defense tooltips which caused the bonus term to apply indefinitely each time the sheet is re-rendered.
  • Correct an issue which caused successful attacks which deal no damage to be animated as a "miss". For example Mark Prey which inflicts a status effect but otherwise is harmless should be animated as an accurate attack.
  • Corrected an issue with automation of the Impetus talent to ensure that you gain the additional AP on the first round of combat instead of only increasing your maximum AP.
  • Correct the hint text regarding Ability Scores on the Taxonomy sheet.
  • Add correct hint text regarding Ability Scores to the Adversary sheet.


  • Correct the description of Sniper Shot. This action has the Deadly tag but not the Difficult tag as the text incorrectly implied.


  • Bastard Sword now has the Versatile trait.
  • Battle Axe now has the Versatile trait.
  • Katana now has the Versatile trait.