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Here’s a full integration of Yosys, ABC, and the TLG decomposition flow for your ISCAS and ITC benchmarks. The flow extracts logic cones from combinational logic, optimizes them with ABC, and then applies the TLG decomposition and thresholdability check.

Note: Don't forget to modify line 2 in scripts/cone_extraction.ys in order to read the benchmark of interest.

Directory Structure:

├── benchmarks/
│   └── iscas_benchmark.v    # Your ISCAS/ITC benchmark file
├── logic_cones/             # Output directory for logic cone BLIF files
├── optimized_cones/         # Output directory for optimized logic cones
├── scripts/
│   ├── cone_extraction.ys   # Yosys script for cone extraction
│   ├──         # Shell script to automate the flow
├──        # Python script for TLG conversion

1. Yosys Script for Logic Cone Extraction (scripts/cone_extraction.ys):

This Yosys script reads the benchmark circuit, synthesizes it, and extracts logic cones for each output.

# Load the Verilog benchmark file
read_verilog ../benchmarks/iscas_benchmark.v

# Synthesize the circuit

# Flatten the design hierarchy

# Get the top module and list all output signals
hierarchy -top top
log "Extracting cones for outputs"

# Extract logic cone for each output signal and write to separate BLIF files
foreach output top {
    log "Extracting cone for $output"
    extract -o $output
    write_blif ../logic_cones/logic_cone_$output.blif

2. Shell Script to Automate the Flow (scripts/

This shell script runs Yosys for extracting logic cones, ABC for optimizing each cone, and TLG decomposition for threshold logic gate conversion.


# Create directories for storing logic cones and optimized files
mkdir -p ../logic_cones
mkdir -p ../optimized_cones

# Run Yosys to extract logic cones
yosys -s cone_extraction.ys

# Process each extracted logic cone using ABC and TLG conversion
for blif_file in ../logic_cones/logic_cone_*.blif; do
  output_name=$(basename "$blif_file" .blif)
  # Optimize the logic cone using ABC
  echo "Optimizing $blif_file with ABC..."
  abc -c "read_blif $blif_file; strash; collapse; write_blif ../optimized_cones/optimized_$output_name.blif"
  # Run the Python TLG conversion script for each optimized BLIF file
  echo "Running TLG conversion for optimized_$output_name..."
  python3 ../ "../optimized_cones/optimized_$output_name.blif"

3. Python Script for TLG Conversion and Decomposition (

This Python script integrates the multi-term decomposition strategy for non-thresholdable logic cones. It first attempts to convert optimized Boolean functions into TLGs and recursively decomposes non-thresholdable functions.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import subprocess
from sympy import symbols, Not, Or, And

# Function to check if a Boolean function can be represented as a TLG
def boolean_to_tlg_fixed_weights(expr, variables):
    truth_table = generate_truth_table(expr, variables)
    max_false_sum = -1
    for row in truth_table:
        inputs, output = row
        input_sum = sum(inputs)  # Weights are fixed to 1, so we sum the inputs
        if output == 0:
            max_false_sum = max(max_false_sum, input_sum)
    threshold = max_false_sum + 1
    if threshold <= len(variables):  # Check if a valid threshold exists
        return threshold
        return None

# Function to generate a truth table for the Boolean expression
def generate_truth_table(expr, variables):
    num_vars = len(variables)
    tt = []
    for val in range(2 ** num_vars):
        assignment = [(variables[i], (val >> i) & 1) for i in range(num_vars)]
        eval_dict = dict(assignment)
        tt.append((tuple(map(int, f"{val:0{num_vars}b}")), int(expr.subs(eval_dict))))
    return tt

# Function to decompose a Boolean function into simpler parts
def decompose_function(expr):
    if isinstance(expr, And) or isinstance(expr, Or):
        return list(expr.args)  # Split into individual terms
    return [expr]  # If it's not a conjunction/disjunction, treat it as one term

# Decompose into multiple terms (overlapping decompositions)
def decompose_into_multi_terms(expr):
    terms = list(expr.args) if isinstance(expr, Or) or isinstance(expr, And) else [expr]
    combined_subsets = []
    # Combine the terms in overlapping groups of size 2
    for i in range(len(terms) - 1):
        combined_subsets.append(Or(terms[i], terms[i + 1]))
    return combined_subsets

# Function to recursively decompose non-thresholdable functions
def recursive_decomposition(expr, variables):
    threshold = boolean_to_tlg_fixed_weights(expr, variables)
    if threshold is not None:
        print(f"TLG Representation: Weights = {[1] * len(variables)}, Threshold = {threshold}")
        return [(expr, threshold)]
        print(f"Non-thresholdable function: {expr}")
        # Step 1: Try overlapping multi-term decompositions first
        multi_term_decompositions = decompose_into_multi_terms(expr)
        multi_term_results = []
        for sub_expr in multi_term_decompositions:
            print(f"Checking overlapping multi-term decomposition: {sub_expr}")
            sub_results = recursive_decomposition(sub_expr, variables)
            if sub_results:
        # If no multi-term decompositions are thresholdable, go to individual term decomposition
        if not multi_term_results:
            print(f"Multi-term decompositions are non-thresholdable, decomposing individual terms.")
            sub_functions = decompose_function(expr)
            results = []
            for sub_expr in sub_functions:
                print(f"Decomposing sub-function: {sub_expr}")
                results.extend(recursive_decomposition(sub_expr, variables))
            return results
            return multi_term_results

# Function to convert BLIF file to Boolean expression
def blif_to_boolean(blif_file):
    # Use ABC to write Verilog from the BLIF and convert to a Boolean expression
    abc_cmd = f"abc -c 'read_blif {blif_file}; write_verilog logic_cone.v'", shell=True)
    # Parse the Verilog or extract the Boolean function from the file (simplified here)
    expr = "(x1 & x2 & x3)"  # Placeholder for the Boolean function extracted from BLIF
    return expr

# Main function to perform TLG conversion
def tlg_conversion(blif_file):
    print(f"Converting {blif_file} to TLG...")
    # Step 1: Extract the Boolean function from BLIF
    expr = blif_to_boolean(blif_file)
    # Step 2: Define the variables (you can automate this based on BLIF)
    variables = [f"x{i+1}" for i in range(8)]  # Assuming 8 inputs for simplicity
    # Step 3: Perform recursive decomposition and TLG conversion
    results = recursive_decomposition(expr, variables)
    # Output the TLG results
    for sub_expr, threshold in results:
        print(f"Sub-function: {sub_expr} -> Threshold = {threshold}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(os.sys.argv) != 2:
        print("Usage: python3 <optimized_blif_file>")
    blif_file = os.sys.argv[1]

How It All Fits Together:

  1. Yosys for Logic Cone Extraction:

    • The Yosys script (cone_extraction.ys) reads the ISCAS/ITC benchmark circuit, synthesizes it, and extracts logic cones from each output.
    • The logic cones are written as BLIF files for each output.
  2. ABC for Optimization:

    • The shell script ( runs ABC on each BLIF file to optimize the logic cones.
    • ABC minimizes the Boolean functions to reduce complexity.
  3. TLG Conversion with Decomposition:

    • The Python script ( takes the optimized BLIF files, converts them into Boolean functions, and applies the TLG conversion flow.
    • Non-thresholdable functions are decomposed into overlapping multi-term sub-expressions. If those are still non-thresholdable, further decomposition is applied.

How to Run the Full Flow:

  1. Place your benchmark files in the benchmarks/ folder (e.g., iscas_benchmark.v).
  2. Place the scripts in the scripts/ folder.
  3. Run the shell script to start the automation process:
cd scripts

This will:

  • Extract logic cones from the benchmark circuit using Yosys.
  • Optimize each logic cone using ABC.
  • Perform TLG conversion with decomposition using the Python script.

Example Output:

Converting ../optimized_cones/optimized_logic_cone_output1.blif to TLG...
Boolean Expression: (x1 & x2 & x3) | (x4 & ~x1 & x5) | (x6 & x7 & x8)
Non-thresholdable function: (x1 & x2 & x3) | (x4 & ~x1 & x5) | (x6 & x7 & x8)
Checking overlapping multi-term decomposition: (x1 & x2 & x3) | (x4 & ~x1 & x5)
TLG Representation: Weights = [1, 1, 1], Threshold = 4
Checking overlapping multi-term decomposition: (x4 & ~x1 & x5) | (x6 & x7 & x8)
TLG Representation: Weights = [1, 1, 1], Threshold = 5



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