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ComFreek edited this page Jan 3, 2021 · 1 revision

General info on using archives here.

Case-Sensitive Files in MMT archives

The lf-scala build target generates files in the same directory that only differ by case. Without further configuration, on Windows and NTFS file systems that entails some serious problems: when running lf-scala: whatever file was generated last has overwritten the other one. Or when using Git, you cannot git checkout to get a clean state: one of the clashing files with always be reported as dirty.

Solution: on Windows 10 with NTFS, you can enable case sensitivity on a per-directory basis (it is not transitively inherited, though!):

  1. Go to the MMT archive with clashing names, e.g. LATIN2.

  2. Run fsutil file setCaseSensitiveInfo lf/bin enable (lf/bin is where the clashing files reside in most cases).

  3. Run commands that create those case-sensitive files from WSL only.

    E.g. run git checkout . and git pull only from WSL.