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Angles of MMT, each one sentence

ComFreek edited this page Mar 4, 2021 · 11 revisions

Rules: Every item should be at most 2 sentences long. Items should be comprehensible independently from each other.

  • MMT is a scalable module system for formalizing knowledge.
  • MMT/LF induces a module system over LF.
  • MMT is a foundation-independent framework for representing declarative languages such as logics, type theories, set theories.
  • The MMT API implements complex algorithms generically for any language in the framework.
  • MMT allows rapid prototyping of formal systems
  • MMT allows formalizing knowledge declaratively and modularly with an open-world assumption in mind.
  • MMT theories represent knowledge... (in parentheses: inductive datatypes as found e.g. in Coq represent knowledge...)
    • declaratively (inductively)
    • modularly (monolithicially)
    • with an open-world assumption (closed-world assumption)
  • MMT views represent knowledge
    • declaratively
    • modularly
    • with a somewhat closed-world assumption (due to compositionality)
  • MMT views v: S -> T may represent
    • compositional language translations from S-terms to T-terms
    • special cases of meta theorems (e.g. soundness)
    • S being more general than T (compositionally, so, see Navid's bsc thesis)
    • T implementing S via v