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Plane text commands

Engin1980 edited this page Sep 18, 2018 · 2 revisions

U n d e r
c o n s t r u c t i o n

This page describes text commands which can be sent to the airplane.

ATC switch commands

Hang off the airplane


{callsign} CC|CT


Block Meaning Description
CC Contact Center ATC Switch the radio frequency to the Center ATC.
CT Contact Tower ATC Switch the radio frequency to the Tower ATC.

These commands are meaningful only when the airplane has been accepted by the target ATC (see communication with the ATCs).

Accepting airplane


 {callsign} RC
Block Meaning Description
RC Radar contact Confirming that you have the visual contact with the airplane on the radar.

Airplane basic controlling commands

These commands control airplane altitude, speed, and heading.

Heading adjustment

These commands set the airplane heading.


{callsign} TL|TR|FH <hdg>
Block Meaning Description
TL Turn left Turns only left to the direction (even if the angle is over 180°
TR Turn right Turns only right to the direction (even if the angle is over 180°
FH Fly heading Turns to the requested direction using the closest angle
Variable Meaning
hdg Target heading, integer value between 0 and 359, represented by one to 3 digit number


EZY5495 TL 200

Altitude adjustment

These commands set the airplane altitude.


{callsign} CM|DM <alt>
{callsign} AC
Block Meaning Description
CM Climb and maintain Climb to the specified altitude
DM Descend and maintain Descend to the specified altitude
AC Altitude restriction cancel This command is used when there is some altitude restriction on SID/STAR/transition restricting airplane's climb/descend. After this command, all the restrictions placed over the route will be ignored.
Variable Meaning
alt Target altitude, in hundred feets, e.g., "20" means 2000ft, "70" means 7000ft or FL70


EZY5495 CM 200

Speed adjustment

These commands set the airplane speed or resumes airplane custom speed.


{callsign} SL|SM|SE <speed>
{callsign} SC
Block Meaning Description
SL Speed less than ... Orders speed less or equal to the specified
SM Speed more than ... Orders speed more or equal to the specified
SE Speed exactly ... Orders speed equal to the specified
SC Cancel speed restriction Cancels previously ordered speed restriction
Variable Meaning
spd Target speed in kts, should be in the range allowed by the aircraft type, or the command will be refused


EZY5495 SL 200
EZY5495 SC

Conditional and sequence commands

After altitude ...

These commands says that the following command will be processed when the plane will pass the specified altitude.


{callsign} AA <alt>
{callsign} AA <alt>+|-
Block Meaning Description
AA After altitude ... Forces following commands are executed when exactly the specified altitude is being passed
+ ... or above The following commands are executed when the airplane is at the specified altitude or above
- ... or below The following commands are executed when the airplane is at the specified altitude or below
Variable Meaning
alt Target altitude, in hundred feets, e.g., "20" means 2000ft, "70" means 7000ft or FL70


EZY5495 AA 40+ PD NASKI      // after altitude 4000ft or above proceed direct to NASKI

Routing supporting commands

Following commands should be used only in SID/STAR/transition route specifications and should not be ordered to an airplane directly.