Releases: Ealrann/VSand
VSand v1.4.2
VSand v1.4.0
VSand v1.3.1
Fix crash with mesa 19.2
You can find the last version here:
The change log:
VSand v1.3.0
New material, Acid!
You can find the last version here:
The change log:
VSand v1.2.4
The build is available here:
This minor version focus on technical improvements, under the hood:
Review of the building process to keep the different modules of the game in different pieces. This allow to take benefit of the patch system of In other words: when you'll update the game using the Itch Application, only the modified modules will be downloaded.
Update of the embedded JRE: v11.0.4+11-Openj9-0.15.1
VSand now runs with -Xshareclasses option (from Openj9), allowing faster game start.
Faster RNG: ThreadLocalRandom.
VSand v1.2.3
- #16: Fix the double speed.
- Minor tweak plant, should grows a bit better under rain.
From now, I will publish the new releases on, to improve the game visibility. It will of course remain free.
VSand v1.2.2
- Massive rewrite of the compute shader, 50% performances more!
- Add a benchmark mode (on linux, you should run it inside a console).
- Fuel combustion tweaked a bit.
- Wax combustion reworked.
VSand v1.2.1
VSand v1.2.0
New features:
- Change cursor: brush.
- New materials: Fuel and Petrol
- Clean the board image during startup (avoid some artefacts in bottom right corner).
- Use OpenJDK - OpenJ9.
VSand v1.1.4
Fix bugs, minor optimizations.