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Main Window

DrCoffey edited this page Jul 26, 2021 · 13 revisions

Main Window

1. Main Menus

  • File: Working Folder Selection, Session Save, & Import/Export

2. Call Statistics

3. Waveform and Extracted Contour

  • Call contour, slope line.
  • Contour extraction is now handled automatically
  • Contour extraction thresholds are still editable in Tools menu

4. Working Folder Dropdowns

  • Selected items will used when detect and load buttons are called

5. Detect, Load, and Record Buttons

  • [Detect Calls] Load selected neural network and audio file
  • [Load Calls] Load selected detected call file
  • [Load Audio] Load selected audio file without any detections

6. Detection Review Buttons

  • Keyboard shortcuts in parentheses
  • Drag box corners to adjust
  • Right click to delete box
  • Double click for custom labels
  • Custom label keyboard shortcuts can be defined in "Tools "

7. Navigation Buttons

  • [>] Move one call
  • [>>] Move one focus window
  • [>>>] Move one page window

8. Quick Access Settings

  • [Focus] Change focus window (11) scale
  • [Page] Change page window (10) scale
  • [Scale] Change spectrogram display settings
  • [Colormap] Change colormap, invert colormap, adjust brightness/contrast

9. Complete Audio File Timeline

  • Green curve represents detected call density
  • Click anywhere to jump locations in the file

10. Page Window

  • View a large chuck of the audio file for better context
  • Click anywhere to move focus window (11)

11. Focus Window

  • Adjust call boxes
  • Delete call boxes
  • Reject call boxes
  • Add new call boxes