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Export to Excel

DrCoffey edited this page Jul 26, 2021 · 3 revisions

To export call statistics to an Excel file:

  1. Select a folder containing detection files with "File > Select Detection Folder"

  2. Click "File > Import / Export > Export to Excel Log (Call Statistics)"

  3. In the list box, select the files to be exported, and click "OK"

  4. Specify whether or not to include rejected calls

  5. Select the folder to place the Excel files

The following call statistics are included in the output file:

  • ID

    • Call ID
  • Label

    • Call category
  • Accepted

    • 1 is accepted, 0 is rejected
  • Score

    • Neural network score
  • Begin Time (s)

    • Calculated from contour
  • End Time (s)

    • Calculated from contour
  • Call Length (s)

    • End Time - Begin Time
  • Principle Frequency (kHz)

    • Median frequency of the contour
  • Low Freq (kHz)

    • Lowest frequency of the contour
  • High Freq (kHz)

    • Highest frequency of the contour
  • Delta Freq (kHz)

    • High Freq - Low Freq
  • Frequency Standard Deviation (kHz)

    • Standard Deviation of the contour
  • Slope (kHz/s)

    • Slope of the contour
  • Sinuosity

    • Length of the path between the first and last points on the contour, divided by the euclidean distance between the first and last points
  • Mean Power (dB/Hz)

    • Average power spectral density of the contour
  • Tonality

    • Values near one are more tonal; lower signal to noise ratio

    • One minus the geometric mean of the spectrogram, divided by the arithmetic mean

    • One minus spectral flatness, or tonality coefficient, or Wiener entropy

  • Peak Freq (kHz)

    - Frequency at highest power